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Personality Exam 3 The word personality comes from the Greek word persona Personality distinctive pattern of behavior that is distinct across situations personality tends to be a more consistent thing behavior changes with different situations ex level of self confidence changes frequently Freud one of the top 10 most influential people in the last 100 years personality and how we are born in Eastern Europe to a poor family identified as the most important child in his family and he got all of the education mother called him her golden child originally wanted to go into politics or the military internship at the eye clinic used cocaine for eye surgery Met Joseph Brewer Anna O difficulty with language Brewer could not treat her connections between early childhood experiences and her symptoms together they built the early childhood experiences lead to what you become today sterical symptoms psychoanalysis lay on couch therapist sits behind you so you don t see him her and you talk point of it if you don t exert control over what you re thinking Freud psychosexual stages each stage begins with a body part Oral stage first stage start in infancy with oral stage ingestion and reception ex feeding a child child learns about the hostility of the environment Anal stage second stage learn bowel and bladder control ex potty training putting child on toilet seat laying down views of how the world works child learns concerns for cleanliness messiness when the child shits the diaper Freud thought that a girl child got their penis chopped off as a punishment Phallic stage Freud thought that girls had concerns of penis envy thought that boys thought girls got their penis cut off as a punishment Latent stage adolescence Freud thought nothing happened in this stage Emma had bad nosebleeds Freud thought they were due to an underlying cause found 3 feet of gauze in her nasal cavity had surgery and they forgot to take it out Neo Freudian Explanations new Freudians Alfred Adler Carl Jung Karen Horney first famous woman in clinical psychology an evaluative comment Was Freud a Fraud YES feelings of inferiority influenced by our unconscious argued collective unconscious unconscious memories of our entire genetic development Topic III Learning Explanations Classical conditioning of emotions Operant conditioning of behaviors learn your behaviors through rewards Differences in conditionability and personality Mrs Smith had schizophrenia excessive dressing 6 10 layers wrapped head in towels punished her for wearing multiple layers by not letting her eat dinner in mental hospital rewarded her for taking the layers off so she could eat dinner in mental hospital continuously gave her towels until she got tired of them and no longer wanted them induce personality characteristics Topic IV Cognitive Explanations Thoughts and expectancies about ourselves Thoughts and expectancies about others Information processing and personality An evaluative comment Is this explanation backwards

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KU PSYC 104 - Personality Exam #3

Course: Psyc 104-
Pages: 2
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