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Consciousness Hypnosis 09 17 2013 mesmerism degree by which an individual can be hypnotized depends on their belief of hypnotism and their susceptibility to suggestion problems o memory believed that if you hypnotize an individual you can bring back memories doesn t really happen no proof that recall is better under hypnosis can be suddenly driven to give responses and provoke responses giving the suggestion will make the person believe they remember it because they feel like they are supposed to o Strength enhancement suggest to a person that they are stronger strength test where you plank between 2 chairs is a trick No evidence to affirm the effects of hypnosis Widely used for a treatment of smoking and it works but it is not more effective than other psychological approaches Meditation some research has shown that is does not take you to another Pain state of consciousness Psychoactive drugs Drugs that influence mood consciousness and or level of arousal Factors that influence the effects of drugs o Dose dependent effects o Interaction effects taking multiple things together o Tolerance and cross tolerance o Withdrawal and dependence occurs when drug your taking leaves your system and your body responds to that loss hangover is a minor form of withdrawal o Individual differences Types of psychoactive drugs and their effects o Depressants alcohol barbiturates benzodiazepines valium Reduce arousal in the brain Dose dependent effects of alcohol Effects on baseline arousal o Stimulants caffeine amphetamines cocaine Increase arousal in the brain gives you a lift or a high Effects are due to increased levels of neurotransmitters Effects at different levels Lifts twitchy disrupt functioning amphetamine psychoses Paradoxical effect of nicotine o Narcotics Opiates opium morphine codeine heroin Drugs are derived from opium sap of the poppy plant Dull sensory and emotional experiences Effects are due to reduced activity in the medulla Opium dens feelings detached and unmoved by what is o Hallucinogens LSD mescaline cannabis e g marijuana and going on hashish Distort sensory experiences i e hallucinations Creativity Process differs mimic neurotransmitters Problems Flashbacks pot and schizophernia Conditioning and Learning 09 17 2013 Types of Learning Conditioning o Classical conditioning o Operant conditioning Cognitive learning o Latent o Place o Insight o Observational Classical Conditioning can condition responses to things dog salivating when ringing of bell stimulus and response Conditioning of emotions o Negative emotions o Positive emotions condition a sexual response to something neutral Conditioning of other responses development of phobias Generalization and discrimination Higher order conditioning o take a conditions response and pair the response with another condition ex snake and red light o post tramatic stress disorder a very powerful response stimulus comes along that connect to something horrible that happened in war o fixed by being repeatedly exposed to the response without giving the time person to respond Extinction and spontaneous recovery o Period of time goes by w extinction but random set off of phobia brings you back and you have to go through recovery again Differences in the conditionability of stimuli o Some stimuli are easier to condition than others Involuntary nature of responses Operant Conditioning Reward Reinforcement and punishment o Will continue doing things in which you get rewarded for and stop doing things in which you are punished for o Compliments cause people to continue to do the same thing popular condition o Teach someone to do something through punishment Primary and secondary reinforcers o Primary reward ex food body contact smiling Avoidance and escape conditioning Shaping Generalization and discrimination Extinction o Series of trials shape behaviors slowly progression o Wanting a behavior to stop you stop rewarding the behavior Schedule of reinforcement Voluntary nature of responses Cognitive Learning Latent Learning now know shortcuts Place Learning Insight o Learning without being aware of it o Get customs to situations ex getting around Lawrence and o aha moment o struggle with something and finally figure it out o cognitively solve the problem Observational Learning watching other peoples reactions to things developing a fear or how to react through observation o Operant Behaviors o Emotional Physiological Behaviors Language Thinking 09 17 2013 Language and Language Acquisition From Sound to Meaning o Phonemes Basic Sounds Basic sounds we use to make up words Lose many at time of 6 months of age If you don t learn phonemes young you will not be able to talk or read o Morphemes Units of Meaning The smallest units of language that have meaning o Syntax Making and Understanding Sentences Ability of you to understand what is being said in a group of words interpret sentences Language Acquisition o Language Acquisition in Humans After puberty it is much harder for people to pick up other languages o Language Acquisition in Chimpanzees Treat baby chimp exactly as child raising them together to see if chimp could be raised to act like child disaster chimps don t have the vocal structures necessary to say all words o Using Sign Language and Smarter Chimps May not be able to use words verbally but chimps are very good with hands and could also talk through computers Have a limited ability to master language so don t have a good sense of grammar have short attention span Problem organizing words to make sentences o What Did the Chimps Learn Expansions for Language Acquisition o Learning skinnier o Innate Neural Mechanisms Chomsky o Memory Repression Laboratory research Clinical reports 09 17 2013 o Military combat most common example forgot horrible experiences better explanation is a concussion o Follow up of trauma victims remember everything but no one asks about incident so say it is repressed but it is in their mind and in their conciousness o Psychotherapy Memory and Forgetfulness 09 17 2013 Long term memory Must have a lot of activity along synapse to get connection made NMDA released by presynaptic neuron Takes place in hippocampus processes memory Under stress learn less well because under stress body releases opiates which go into receptor sights and clog up the receptor sights Forgetting Levels of serotonin drop as you get older high levels lead to good memory and learning Adrenaline contributes to learning particularly to

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KU PSYC 104 - Consciousness

Course: Psyc 104-
Pages: 9
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