9 3 13 Chapter 2 Theoretical Perspectives on Human Development Major Perspective o Psychoanalytic o Learning o Cognitive o Contextual o Evolutionary Sociobiological Psychoanalytic Psychosexual o Sigmund Freud o Unconscious forces that motivate human behavior Sex life Aggression death o Parts of personality Id pleasure principle Ego reality principle Superego morality principle should principle o Psychosexual stages Oral birth to 12 to 18 months Anal 12 to 18 months to 3 years Genital puberty through adulthood Phallic 3 to 6 years Latency 6 years to puberty Psychoanalytic Psychosocial o Erik Erikson o Influence of society on developing personality o Covers 8 stages of lifespan each stage is a crisis in personality o Balancing positive tendency with the negative one crisis that needs to be resolved Learning o Objective laws that govern changes in observable behavior o Long lasting change in behavior based on experience or adaptation to the environment o Continuous not in stages and quantitative Learning Behaviorism o Behaviorism environment more influential than biology o Classical conditioning occurs throughout life accident or bad experience B F Skinner Reinforcement behavior strengthened and punishment behavior Reinforcement is most effective immediately after behavior o Albert Bandura greater emphasis on cognitive processes as central to o Reciprocal determinism the person acts on the world as the world acts on the Ivan Pavlov Stimulus response o Operant Conditioning weakened Social Learning Theory development person o Observational learning modeling o Cultural view of what is valued Cognitive o Begins with an inborn ability to adapt to the environment o Does not account for emergence of mature abilities o Jean Piaget o Children develop as an effort to understand an act on their world o Organization creating categories more complex as we age o Adaptation Assimilation adjusting the information Accommodation adjusting one s cognitive structures o Equilibrium balance Shift from assimilation to accommodation Cognitive Socialcultural o Lev Vygotsky o Children learn through social interaction Helps support children through what is just beyond their reach Advanced peers help children o Zone of proximal development the gap between what children can do and what they are not quite ready to accomplish themselves o Scaffolding temporary support parents teachers give child Contextual o Urie Bronfenbrenner bioecological theory o Development is only understood in social contexts Microsystem directly involved in developing individual home school work Mesosystem links between parts of microsystem Exosystem links between micro and outside systems ex media government Macrosystem overachieving cultural patterns Chronosystem dimension of time Evolutionary Sociobiological o E O Wilson o Based on Darwin adaptive behaviors of a species will lead to survival of the o People unconsciously strive not only for personal survival but to perpetuate fittest their genetic legacy
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