The Early Labor Movement 3 Factors Urbanization o Cities increased Immigration o Increased jobs expending markets and transportation attracted people Industrialization o Unskilled workers and machines o Interchangeable workers they could be discarded and replaced The Knights of Labor KOL Powderly Inclusive o Welcomed women and African Americans Not Immigrant workers End of child labor Men Women equal pay Progressive income tax 8 hour work day Late 1870 s 1880 s huge growth in membership The Great Railroad Strike of 1877 Started in West Virginia State militia sent in to get trains running but refused to use force Violence in Baltimore National Guard attacked Took over 1 month to restore Received benefits Government tended to side with owners not workers Haymarket Riot 8hr day 8hr leagues Karl Marx August Spies Leader of 8hr Remember Haymarket Communist Manifesto Working class should unite to fight exploitation And to overthrow the capitalist system Drew sympathy for the Labor movements executed men became martyrs Became inspiration for May Day Labor Movement adopted 8hr day as a lead issue Contributed to the collapse of the KOL The American Federation of Labor AFL Grew after decline of KOL Samuel Gompers president Fairly conservative Focused on skilled labor Unify smaller union umbrella International Workers of the World IWW Focused on unskilled workers Founded in Chicago Want to overthrow capitalist system Eugene Debbs President o From wealthy family o Started own railroad union o Socialist
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