The Settlement of the Northern Great Plains 1866 1876 The American Bison Buffalo 30 million in 1800 Huge herds Less than 1000 due to commercial slaughter Lost land due to Railroads Lakota Moved from Great Lakes to the Great Plains Encountered Cheyenne and adopted from them Defeated Cheyenne and won land Created the Lakota Dakota Nakota lands Emigrant Trails Increased during the gold rush Foot and wagon Oregon trail Conflict between European Americans and Indians Government created forts to protect travellers and promote trade Fort Laramie Hosted numerous treaties between US and tribes Built to protect travellers Treaty of Fort Laramie defined each tribal group and their land Give up rights east of the Mississippi River Homestead Act of 1862 o Distributed land to farmers and ranchers o Was actually the Native Americans land o Lasted 60 70yrs Gold in Montana 1860 Bozeman Trail o Went through Powder River Country a rich hunting ground for the Cheyenne and Lakota Banned together to keep land 1862 and grand council of tribes Red Clouds War Red Cloud War Wanted to close Bozeman Trail and forts Highpoint Beat Fedderman and his cavalry was wiped out The Fedderman Massacre o High Indian casualties Government redirected travellers to the transcontinental railroad Fort Laramie Treaty of 1868 2nd George Armstrong Custer Confirmed permanent sovereignty for the Indians Abandoned all forts on trail and area Indians agreed to become civilized Long term success short term violence Wasn t popular 1st mission to produce railroad from Lakota Raids Violated Treaty o Custer s Black Hill s Expedition Found Gold Gold Rush US tried to buy Black Hills o Said all Sioux not in reservation would be considered hostile o Violence Sitting Bull Organized a large army US launched new plan 1876 3 columns surrounding groups The Battle of little bighorn Custer split forces in 2 Custer s Last Stand The Many Penny Agreement Unless they gave up the Black Hills their food allotment would be eliminated Lost the Black Hills
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