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FAD 3220 Exam 1 Chapter 1 Intro to Human Development Human development o Pattern of change and stability in human growth throughout life o Goals came to include description explanation prediction and intervention o Characteristics Systematic organized Grow outward arms grow out Adaptive to internal external conditions Humans taller now Life span development life long process Synapses not fully developed until age 25 Stages of human development Chart on page 8 in text o Prenatal conception to birth o Infancy toddler birth to 3 o Early childhood 3 to 6 o Middle childhood 6 to 11 o Adolescence 11 to 20 o Emerging young adults 20 40 o Middle adulthood 40 65 Domains of human development all interrelated o Physical development growth of body or brain o Cognitive development pattern of change in mental ability o Psychosocial development pattern of change in emotions personality Influences on development o Heredity DNA chromosomes genes o Environment friends family community o Maturation changes over time influences brain development Contexts of development o Context environment philosophy institutions o Family Nuclear family two generational kinship economic and household unit consisting of one or two parents and their biological children adopted children or stepchildren Extended family multigenerational kinship network of parents children and other relatives sometimes living together in an extended family household not as typical today o Socioeconomic status o Gender roles o Culture Ethnicity language religion geographic location Ethnic gloss overgeneralization about an ethnic or cultural group that obscures differences within the group o Normative influences Age graded History graded Puberty driving age marriage Highly similar for people in particular age group Significant events that shape the behavior and attitudes of a historical generation o Ex WW II generation sense of social interdependence Colds but no more polio o Nonnormative influences Unique individual circumstances disease trauma broken bones disability Issue 1 development active or reactive o Reactive Mechanistic model people like machines that react to environment John Locke tabula rasa blank slate on which society writes o Active Organismic model people active set own development Jean Jacques Rousseau noble savages develop to own tendencies Baltes s Lifespan developmental approach page 18 in text Chapter 2 Theoretical Perspectives on Human Development Psychoanalytic psychosexual o Freud father of psych o Unconscious forces that motivate human behavior Sex life Aggression death Too little or too much gratification can lead to fixation o Parts of personality Id pleasure principle Babies operate off of Ego reality principle Superego morality principle Should do this o Psychosexual stages Psychoanalytic psychosocial o Erikson o Influence of society on developing personality o 8 lifespan stages Basic trust vs basic mistrust birth to 12 18 months virtue hope Autonomy vs shame and doubt 18 months 3 years virtue will Initiative vs guilt 3 6 years virtue purpose Industry vs inferiority 6 puberty virtue skill Identity vs identity confusion puberty to young adulthood virtue fidelity Intimacy vs isolation young adulthood virtue love Generativity vs stagnation middle adulthood virtue care Integrity vs despair late adulthood virtue wisdom o Balancing positive tendency with the negative one crisis that needs to be resolved Learning o Long lasting change in behavior based on experience or adaptation to the environment o Continuous not in stages and quantitative Learning behaviorism o Learning theory that emphasized the predictable role of environment in causing observable behavior o Focus on associative learning Classical conditioning Pavlov Stimulus response Operant conditioning B F Skinner Reinforcement and punishment Don t give rewards right away or all the time Behavior modification used to eliminate undesirable behaviors o Ex Every time child puts away toy gets reward Social learning theory person o Bandura o Reciprocal determinism person reacts on the world how the world acts on the o Observational learning modeling o Cultural view of what is valued o Self efficacy sense of one s capability to master challenges and achieve goals Cognitive stage theory o Piaget o Children develop as an effort to understand and act on their world o Organization creating categories o Adaptation Assimilation adjusting info to fit schemas Accommodation adjusting schemas to fit info o Equilibration tendency to seek a stable balance Cognitive social cultural o Vygotsky o Children learn through social interaction Helps support children through what is just beyond their reach o Zone of proximal development gap between what children can do and what they are not quite ready to accomplish themselves o Scaffolding Ex When we support child develop new set of skills Correcting child also considered scaffolding Contextual o Bronfenbrenner bio ecological theory o Development only understood in social contexts Microsystem directly involved in individual home school work Mesosystem links between parts of microsystem when work influences Exosystem links between micro and outside systems media gov parent s school work Chronosystem dimension of time we develop as time passes Macrosystem overarching cultural patterns democratic gov tech Evolutionary sociobiological o E O Wilson o Based on Darwin adaptive behaviors of a species will lead to survival of the o People unconsciously strive not only for personal survival but to perpetuate fittest their genetic legacy o Ethology study of the distinctive adaptive behaviors of animal species o Evolutionary psychology application of Darwinian principles of natural selection and survival of the fittest to individual behavior Chapter 3 Forming a new life Fertility and fertilization conception o Fertile window between 6th and 21st days of menstrual calendar Week before and after menstruation Highly unpredictable o Gametes sex cells sperm and egg ovum o Zygote single cell when sperm fertilizes ovum o NOT pregnancy until attachment to uterin wall Female factors o Each female contains 2 ovaries 2 million ova each ova in follicle o Ovary storage center o Fallopian tube cilia to move along Fertilization usually occurs here o Uterus womb implantation o Cervix opening of the uterus Male factors o Sperm millions a day ejaculated in semen o Testes sperm production can be affected by alcohol and heat Multiple births twins o Two ova Two

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FSU FAD 3220 - FAD 3220 Exam 1

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Chapter 1

Chapter 1

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Exam 4

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Exam 2

Exam 2

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Exam 2

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Chapter 7

Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

Chapter 7

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Exam 1

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Exam 2

Exam 2

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Chapter 7

Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

Chapter 7

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Exam 2

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Test #2

Test #2

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Test #2

Test #2

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Test #2

Test #2

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Chapter 1

Chapter 1

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