TAMU PSYC 307 - Exam 1 Study Guide
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PSYC 307 1st Edition Study Guide 1 Lecture 1 September 2 Issues Nature vs Nurture o Nurture Empricism John Locke experiences shape you you begin with a blank slate tabula rasa belief that babies have predisposed knowledge o Nature Nativism Descartes and Kant Babies have knowledge and an innate sense of goodness Babies are domain specific and prefer prosocial behavior Continuity vs Discontinuity o Continuity growing makes you bigger adults are just bigger versions of babies o Discontinuity change throughout development adults are conceptually different than babies Stage Theories sequence and rate of change is variable Contexts for Development o Unique combinations of personal and environmental circumstances Lecture 2 September 4 Methods Reliability o Inter rater get same results regardless of who observes behavior o Test retest get same measures if you run the experiment over and over Validity o Internal ability to be comfortable that measures are measuring what they should be o External can generalize results to other populations Types of Interviews o Structured Clinical Case Studies o Naturalistic Observation Observe children in everyday situations o Structured Observation Create an environment in which you want to study the children o Ethnography participant observation used to understand a group or culture Methods of Measuring Brain Function o EEG ERP fMRI PET NIRS Correlation determines how two variables are related o Correlation does not equal causation Experimental designs o Experimental group control group dependent variable random assignment Designs for examining development pros and cons o Cross sectional allows you to study different age groups simultaneously o Longitudinal study of same group of participants over time o Sequential longitudinal and cross sectional comparison o Microgenic provides in depth depiction of processes that produce change Lecture 3 September 9 Biological Foundations Types of cells o Somatic body cells make up 23 pairs of chromosomes divide by mitosis o Gametes sex cells 23 single chromosomes divide by meiosis Twinning o Identical monozygotic share same DNA one egg splits into two after fertilization o Fraternal dizygotic two separate eggs are fertilized share 50 DNA o Half identical one egg two different sperm splits after fertilization o Factors effecting twinning ethnicity age of mother nutrition and body type Mechanisms and Genetic Diversity o Mutations random assignment cross over Alleles o Two Forms Dominant expressed only one needed Recessive only expressed if two are present o Single Gene Transmission Expression of traits as combination from mother and father o X Linked Inheritance occurs most often in boys X chromosome recessive gene Color blindness hemophilia muscular dystrophy o Polygenic Inheritance several genes required to produce a trait Sex linked abnormality Males Kleinfelter s Syndrome XYY Syndrome Females Turner s Syndrome XXX Syndrome Model of Interaction o Genotype set of genes you carry not all expressed o Environment what is happening around us o Phenotype expression of genes o Canalization behaviors largely determined by genes o Gene environment correlations Passive take environment you are given Evocative evoke particular actions Active pick own environment Niche picking choosing environment in which you are most comfortable Prenatal Diagnostic Method o Amniocentisis go in through abdomen into amniotic sac and pull out amniotic fluid o Chorionic villus sampling o Ultrasound gives information about structure of fetus o Maternal blood analysis levels of fetal proteins in blood can be markers for risks o Fetoscopy light inserted to get pictures of structure of fetus Lecture 4 September 11 Prenatal Development Neurons and Brain Maturation o Neurons made up of synapses that send signals throughout the brain o Neurogenesis birth of cells in neural tube most born prenatally o Migration of cells cells move to correct location DNA tells them where to go o Cell differentiation develop important parts once they are in their correct location o Synaptogenesis connection between neurons o Synaptic pruning pathways become efficient by cutting down in number Plasticity o Experience Expectant brain development as a result of ubiquitous experience o Experience Dependent neural connections created and reorganized as function of experience Periods of Prenatal Development o Germination zygote blastocyst implantation o Embryonic Period major development of organs and systems endoderm mesoderm ectoderm o Fetal Period time of extreme growth and development Lecture 5 September 16 Cognitive Theories Teratogens anything that can cause a birth defect o Maternal diseases and conditions mother s age nutrition emotional well being smoking drugs alcohol environmental hazards o Rare that just one teratogen is present o Sleeper effects exposed to teratogens that we are unsure don t know effect of Birth experience o Three stages of labor dilation of cervix pushing delivery of placenta o Where how medications complications Cognitive Development o Piaget s Theory Constructivist vs Interactionist perception and thought vs adaptation Assimilation faced with knowledge that you can link to things you already know Accommodation changing knowledge structures for new information reorganization Equilibration Sensori Motor Stage Object permanence A not B error deferred imitation object concept Lecture 6 September 18 Memory Attention perception of stimuli o Sustained attention long term Exogenesis bottom up focus on qualities Endogenesis top down choose what you attend to o Novelty preference Short term memory o Capacity 7 items o Chunking group items together to remember them better Long term memory o Capacity is essentially unlimited o Strategies for memory Rehearsal repeating information Organization grouping related items Elaboration creating relationships shared meaning between them o Explicit memory Recognition recall reconstruction Semantic vast organized contributes to development Episodic recall of personally experienced events Scripts repeated events causal order Autobiographical represents events that are meaningful to you o Implicit memory Unconscious remembering without awareness Infantile amnesia lack of clearly autobiographical memories Memory increases in capacity through development o Perception of world sensory memory working and short term memory long term memory Lecture 7 September 23 Social Theories Piaget s Theory continued o Preoperational

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TAMU PSYC 307 - Exam 1 Study Guide

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