Practical 3 Review Sheet part not visible on most models figures Labs 7 8 Muscular System Muscle Tissue Types ID and give function Skeletal o Has striations o Long cylindral cells o Multinucleate o Function Voluntary control influences body contours and shapes provides means of locomotion enables you to manipulate the environment o Smooth o Has striations o Branching cells intercalated discs o Uninucleate o o Function Involuntary control Cardiac o No striations o Spindle shaped cells o Uninucleate o o Function Involuntary Control Skeletal Muscle Organization Pg 165 figure 12 4 Skeletal muscle o Attaches to structures in the skeletal system o Consists of a group of fascicles wrapped in a tough CT membrane called epimysium Epimysium Fascicle Perimysium o Tough CT membrane that wraps fascicles o Consists of a group of endomysium covered muscle fibers wrapped in a course CT membrane called perimysium o Course CT membrane wrapping fascicles Muscle fiber skeletal muscle cell o Are wrapped in a delicate CT membrane called endomysium Endomysium o Delicate CT membrane wrapping the muscle fibers Definitions Insertion Origin o The bone that moves the moveable bone when the skeletal muscle contracts o The bone that does not move the immovable bone o When skeletal muscle contracts the insertion moves towards the origin o The epimysium of the skeletal muscle is fused directly to the periosteum Direct attachments Indirect attachment o The CT wrappings of the skeletal muscle extends as a tendon or an aponeurosis to anchor the muscle to bone cartilage or fascia Isometric contraction o Force tension generated by the muscle is increasing at a constant muscle length o isometric same length o Occurs when the weight exceeds the force generated by the muscle Isotonic contraction o Muscle shortens at a relatively constant force o isotonic same force o Force generated by skeletal muscle exceeds the weight so the skeletal muscle contracts and work is done such as lifting the weight Aerobic exercise o jogging biking swimming Changes in the skeletal muscles Increase in capillaries Increase in mitochondria Increase in myoglobin content o Overall endurance improved increase in stamina Resistance exercise o weight lifting isometric exercises where muscle are pitted against immovable objects changes in the skeletal muscles Increase in the size of skeletal muscles hypertrophy of skeletal muscles occur due to increase in the number of myofibril within each muscle fiber increase in glycogen content o Overall bulky muscles generate more force increase in muscle strength Muscle Chart ID each muscle Give 1 origin Give 1 insertion Give 1 function Cat dissection A Biceps femoris B Gastrocnemius C Tibialis anterior D Sartorius E Triceps brachii F Latissiumus dorsi G Biceps brachii K Trapezius Pectoralis Deltoid Fascia lata Extensor digitorum longus Microscopic Skeletal Muscle Anatomy Pg 162 fig 12 1 and pg 163 fig 12 2 Sarcolemma Mitochondria Myofibril o Plasma membrane of muscle fiber o For aerobic respiration to produce energy o Rod like structures that run the entire length of the muscle fiber o 80 of the volume of the muscle fiber is occupied by the myofibrils o Nucleus o Skeletal muscle has multiple peripheral nuclei o Central and most important part of an object movement or group forming the basis for its activity and growth o A band I band Z disc H zone Actin Myosin Triad o Region of thick filaments myosin o Regions of the thin filaments actin not overlapping with the A band o Anchor the thin filaments o Middle region of the A band not overlapping with the thin filaments o Contractile thin protein filament o Contractile thick protein filament o Structure composed of a transverse tubule in between 2 terminal cisternae Terminal cisterna Ttubule Terminal cisterna o Function for the release of calcium ions into the sarcoplasm when the sarcolemma o Specialized smooth endoplasmic reticulum that stores releases calcium into the depolarizes M line o Line that bisects and anchors the A bands Sarcoplasmic reticulum SR sarcoplasm Terminal cisterna o The expanded ends of the SR T tubule transverse tubules o Involutions of the sarcolemma into the sarcoplasm Sarcomere o Contractile units of muscle o Extend from the middle of one band the Z disc to the middle of the next along the length of the myofibrils distance between 2 successive Z lines Neuromuscular junction Pg 165 fig 12 5 Sarcolemma motor end plate o Plasma membrane of muscle fiber Synaptic cleft Axon terminal o Small fluid filled gap that separates the neuron and muscle fiber membranes o Where the motor neuron makes contact with the skeletal muscle o Each innervates one muscle fiber in the skeletal muscle to form the Neuromuscular junction Skeletal Muscle Actions Definitions Prime movers agonists Muscles that are primarily responsible for producing a particular movement Muscles that oppose or reverse a movement when a prime mover is active the antagonists are often relaxed also provide resistance to prime movers Aid the action of agonists by reducing undesirable or unnecessary movement Are specialized synergists they immobilize the origin of a prime mover so that all the tension is exerted at the insertion Antagonists Synergists Fixators A P Art labeling figures 9 1 9 2 a d 10 4 10 5 10 6 10 12a 10 19 10 20 10 22 10 23 Memory games for chapters 9 10 Pal 2 0 3 0 Anatomical models Muscular system Skeletal muscle flashcards
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