BSCI201 Dr Opoku Lecture Notes Exam 3 10 31 14 Lecture Joints Joints Articulations Functional class of the Skeletal System Classification of joints 2 ways functional and structural o Functional Classification based on amount of movement allowed at the joint 3 types Synarthrotic joints synarthroses immovable joints Amphiarthrotic joints amphiarthroses slightly movable joints Diathrotic joints diathroses freely movable joints based on the material binding the bones at the site and the o Structural Classification absence or the presence of a joint cavity 3 Types Fibrous Joints Cartilaginous joints Synovial joints 1 Fibrous Joints joint cavity is absent and the bones are connected directly by fibrous connective tissue dense regular CT o 3 types 1 Sutures located only in the skull Short fibrous material connecting adjacent cranial bones Functional class of sutures in baby skull Amphiarthrotic joints o Important to allow for the growth expansions of the brain to reach attain normal brain size about 3 5 lbs Once the average size is reaches the sutures gradually ossify going from dense regular CT to bone tissue Functional class of sutures in adult skull Synarthrotic joints o Ossified adult sutures are called synostoses which are synarthrotic joints o The cranial bones are not moveable and form the cranial vault to protect the matured brain 2 Gomphoses located only between teeth and bony alveolar sockets Functional class of gomphoses Synarthrotic joints Short fibrous cords called periodontal ligaments which connect the cementum around the root of a tooth to the areolar socket in the mandible or the maxillae Gomphoses in deciduous milk teeth in a child are amphiathrotic joints to allow for movement and eventually loss of the deciduous teeth to allow for the permanent teeth to come through 1 The homphoses of permanent teeth are synarthrotic joints when they become amphiathrotic in periodontal disease tooth loss may occur 3 Syndesmoses 2 types Synarthrotic joints Bones connected by a cord of dense fibrous CT aka ligament Bones are connected by membranous dense fibrous CT aka interosseous membranes Amphiarthrotic joints o The amphiarthrotic joints between the ulna and radius allows for pronation 2 Cartilaginous Joints joint cavity absent bones are connected by cartilage o 2 types 1 Synchondroses Hyaline cartilage connects bones Functional class Synarthrotic joints Example Epiphyseal plates composed of hyaline cartilage connecting the diaphysis and the epiphysis of a long bone 2 Symphyses Fibrocartilage connects bones Functional class Amphiarthrotic joints Examples intervertebral discs and pubic symphysis o o 3 Synovial Joints ligaments bind the bones Joint cavity is present which allows for movement of the bones at the joint site hence all synovial joints are feely moveable they are all diathrotic joints although some are more moveable than others o ALL Synovial joints are Diarthrotic joints Plane joints Pivot joints Saddle joints Hinge joints Condyloid joint Ball and socket 2 11 3 14 Know location and 2 types of bones o General characteristics of synovial joints Articular cartilage caps the ends of the bones Joint Cavity space that contains synovial fluid which acts like a lubricant to reduce friction Articular Capsule double layered consists of an outer fibrous capsule and an inner synovial membrane Ligaments that reinforce synovial joints 3 types based on their location in relation to the articular capsule o Capsular or intrinsic ligaments o Extracapsular ligaments o Intracapsular ligaments Menisci discs of fibrocartilage that extend from the articular capsule into the synovial cavity to improve the fit of a synovial joint which minimizes wear and tear Bursae flattened fibrous sacs that contain synovial fluid to reduce friction where bones tendons ligaments and muscles rub together Tendon Sheaths elongated bursae that wrap completely around tendons subjected to a lot of friction tendon sheaths reduce friction o Movements Gliding slipping movements Flexion movement that decreases the angle of a joint Extension movement that increases the angle of a joint Abduction movement of a limb AWAY from the midline of the body Adduction movement of a limb TOWARD the midline of the body Circumduction movement of the limb that describes a cone in space Rotation movement of a bone around an axis 3 o 6 types of synovial joints 1 Plane Joint Articulating surface of o Bone 1 flat o Bone 2 flat Gliding movements allowed Examples Intercarpals intertarsals 2 Hinge Joint Articulating surface of o Bone 1 trough o Bone 2 Cylindrical projection Flexion extension allowed Examples elbow joint knee joint 3 Pivot Joint Articulating surface of o Bone 1 rounded projection o Bone 2 Ring or sleeve Rotation allowed Examples radioulnar joint atlanto axial joint allows us to move the head side to side to motion NO 4 Condyloid Joint Articulating surface of o Bone 1 Oval protrusion o Bone 2 Oval depression Flexion extension abduction adduction circumduction allowed Examples metacarpophalangeal joints knuckles atlanto occipital joint allows us to move head up and down to motion YES 4 Flexion extension abduction adduction circumduction allowed Example carpometacarpal joint of thumb only example in human 5 Saddle joint Articulating surface of o Bone 1 Concave convex o Bone 2 Convex concave body 6 Ball and socket joint Articulating surface of o Bone 1 Spherical head o Bone 2 Cup like socket All movements allowed Examples shoulder and hip joints Arthritis a disease characterized by inflammation of synovial membranes that causes stiff and painful joints Lecture Muscular System Muscular System 3rd organ system joints are the functional system for the skeletal and muscular organ systems 3 Types of Muscle Tissue o 1 Skeletal muscle tissue Composed of long elongated cylindrical skeletal muscle cells called muscle fibers Have striations Skeletal muscle fibers are multinucleated o 2 Cardiac muscle tissue Composed of branched cells with intercalated discs Have striations Cardiac muscle cells are uninucleated o 3 Smooth muscle tissue Composed of spindle shaped cells 5 No striations Smooth muscle cells are uninucleated When each tissue type is organized with connective tissue blood vessels and nerve endings will form muscles which are organs o 3 types of muscles organs Skeletal Muscle Under voluntary control Cardiac Muscle Smooth Muscle Under involuntary control Under involuntary control Skeletal Muscle organ o Attaches to structures in
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