BSCI201 Exam 1 Notes January 28th 2015 The Body Cavities Doral breaks into the cranial and the spinal cavity Cranial blends in with the spinal The large hole at the base of the skull is where the cranial cavity ends Ventral Cavity Abdominal and pelvic cavity there is no line that separates them Anything in between you cant tell the difference An organ has to be made up of two types of tissues Anatomy study of the parts of the human body and how these parts relate to each other Ex The heart is medial to the lungs or the lungs are to the heart Architecture of the human body is very simple You have the trunk and the four limbs The trunk or the axis of the human body is divided into two major cavities The dorsal body cavity The superior cranial cavity The inferior spinal cavity The ventral body cavity Superior thoracic cavity Inferior abdominal pelvic cavity All soft organs known as viscera are located in these two major body cavities The Dorsal Body Cavity The Superior cranial cavity houses the brain The Inferior spinal vertebral cavity houses the spinal cord Due to compartmentalization the brain the spinal cord each are surrounded by membranes called meninges But we know that there is no physical contact demarcation between the cranial cavity and the spinal cavity The cranial cavity ends at the forum magnum the large hole at the base of the skull Hence the spinal cavity begins at the forum magnum Fact CNS brain and spinal cord Spinal cord has an outer white The Ventral Body Cavity Larger than the dorsal cavity The ventral is separated by skeletal muscle called the diaphragm and separates the ventral body cavity into the superior thoracic cavity and the inferior abdominal pelvic cavity Here we see that demarcation we see the part where it is separated Thoracic cavity Houses the 2 large lungs the region or area inside the thoracic cavity that is not occupied by the lungs is called the mediastinum The mediastinum houses the heart The heart is MEDIAL to the lungs The lungs are LATERAL to the heart The spinal cavity is dorsal heart The vertebral cavity is posterior to the heart The heart is anterior to the ventral cavity The sternum is anterior to the heart The heart is posterior to the sternum Compartmentalization in the thoracic cavity Each lung is covered by membranes called pleural sac and the heart is surrounded by the membranes called the pericardial sac there is NO direct contact between the heart and the lungs The Interior Abdominal Cavity Houses the digestive reproductive urinary organs Most of these organs are surrounded by membranes called the peritoneal sac A few organs in the abdominal pelvic cavity are not surrounded by membranes and these organs are pushed against the back wall of the body These organs are referred to as retro peritoneal organs they are not as protected as other organs in the cavity kidneys the pancreas Sacs all of these sacs are surrounded by membranes called serous membranes in the ventral body cavity and have specific names depending on the organs they are covering The Pleural lungs Pericardial sac heart The peritoneal sac organs Sections of the body To further describe the regions of the body the cavity is divided into 9 sections The left is the right and the right is the left Right iliac region the cecum Always start with the middle umbilical Advantages of putting organs into their own compartments is so you don t infer with other organs Compartmentalization 1 gives space for each organ to function properly which prevents interference 2 To isolate organs in the same body cavity in order to protection prevent the spread of infection 3 The membranes hold the organs in the correct anatomical positions inside the cavity Function Structure defines function once you know the makeup you can understand the function An organ is made up of at least 2 tissues January 30 th 2015 Physiology is a biochemistry Homeostasis relatively constant all 11 organ systems work in unison to sustain the human body 11 Organ Systems in the Human Body we are going by 10 organ systems because you don t need the reproductive system to live All have to work in human For a species to not go extinct you need the reproductive system Physiology the study of the organs in the human body Organs hence the structure defines the function In the human body we have 11 organ systems o The makeup of an organ dictates the function or functions of that organ o 10 of these 11 organ systems work in unison to sustain the organism and homeostasis o When these 10 organ systems work in unison homeostasis is established and by definition homeostasis is the maintenance of a relatively constant internal environment in the face of changing internal and external environments Something can force it to change but it will come back to where it began We know the normal glucose in the blood is 8 1 and after a cup of whatever it is raised Insulin will force the excess glucose into cells in order to maintain the level of glucose level A lot of changes occur Changes in the internal and external environment are referred to as stimuli If there is a Homeostatic imbalance you are going to have symptoms first followed by signs Difference between symptom and sign of a disease o Symptom subjective something is wrong with me You have to tell someone what is going on o Sign objective you can tell If the stimuli are not corrected inside the body then the human body is in homeostatic imbalance Homeostatic imbalance is the diseased or pathological state o If the diseased state is not corrected it will be medically which can eventually a while lead to death o Between the diseased state and death the between will have the symptoms and signs Physiology is defined by the biochemical reactions occurring inside the body and the human body can be broken down to the lowest 11 organ systems reproductive system is not a maintenance organ system o The reproductive system is for the continuation of the species to prevent extinction The system is dormant until you reach puberty From the 11 organ systems organs tissues cells o An organ system consists of at least two organs o Organs are made up of tissues Organ composed of at least 2 types of tissues Synovia membrane Tissues composed of similar cells grouped together Cells aggregate and live together where you have intercellular junctions because the next cell adjacent or sometimes they ll be lose Cells make up tissues Biochemical reactions that define physiology occurring inside the cells
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