TYPES OF TISSUE Simple sqamous epithelium Function allows for diffusion and filtration where protection NOT important Location lining of the heart blood vessels Simple cubodial epithelium Function secretion Location kidney tubules ovary surface Simple columnar epithelium Function absorption and secretion of mucus enzymes Location noncillitated lines to the digestive tract o Cillitated small bronchi Pseudostratified columnar epithelium Function secretion of mucus Location noncilliated in male s sperm carrying ducts o Cillitated lines the trachea and upper respiratory tract Stratified squamous epithelium Protects underlying tissue from abrasion Nonkeratinized most linings of the espophogus mouth and vagina o keratinized epidermis of the skin Stratisfied cubodial epithelium Function Protection Location largest ducts of the sweat glands Stratisfied columnar epithelium Function protection secretion Location small amounts in urethra Transitional epithelium urinary organ Function Stretches readily and permits distension of the Location line the urethers urinary bladder Connective tissue Mesenchyne o Function gives rise to other tissues o Location embryo Loose connective tissue aerolar o Function wraps and cushions the organs o Location distributed under epithelia of body Looose connective tissue adipose o Function provides reserve fuel o Location under skin around kidneys and the eyes Loose connective tissue reticular o Function Fibers form a soft internal skeleton that supports other cell types o Location lymphoid organs Dense regular connective tissue o Function attatches the muscles to the bones or to muscles o Location tendons most ligaments Dense connective tissue elastic o Function allows recoil of tissue following restretching o Location walls of the large arteries Dense connective tissue dense irregular o Function able to withstand tension o Location fibrous capsules of organs and joints
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