2 6 12 2nd type of organic compounds in the body Lipids lipoproteins lipid protein combo Since lipids are insoluable in water lipids are transported as lipoproteins Lipoproteins are named based on the lipid to protein ratio 3 types 1 very low density lipoproteins vLDL high lipid to protein ratio More of the less dense substance lipids The major lipid in vLDL is trigycerides neutral fats a b the major lipid in the human diet is triglyceride triglycerides are transported by vLDL hence the major lipid in vLDL is triglycerides c vLDLs transport tryglycerides to the adipose cells for storage d Tryglycerides are the most concentrated form of stored energy 1 gram of glycogen 4kCal 1 gram of tryglyceride 9kCal Unlike glycogen there is no limit to fat storage by adipose cells in the body 2 Low Density Lipids LDL high lipid to protein ratio Major lipid is cholestoral LDLs transport cholestoral to the plasma membrane and to the steriodgenic cells Cells that produce steroid hormones in the body a Cholesterol inserts in the lipid bilayer of the plasma membrane to stabilize the membrane b Cholesterol is required for the synthesis of all steroid hormones The human body can synthesize 85 of the cholesterol needed c Supplement with 15 from diet If ingestion of cholesterol exceeds 15 LDLs are increased Increasing LDLs will result in the formation of atherosclerotic plaque in the internal surface of blood vessels Atherosclerotic plaque decreases the lumen of blood vessels which decreases blood flow through the blood vessels Increases blood pressure also Sustained blood pressure increase is termed hypertension Untreated or poorly managed hypertension will result in the heart pumping harder against the resistance to blood flow in the blood vessels Heart increases in size to compensate for the increase in resistant If the heart increases to a point where its structural units are stretched the heart becomes useless as a pump and can no longer pump blood Hence the saying a bigger heart is not necessarily a better pump If the atherosclerotic plaque dislodges from the internal surface of the blood vessel the plaque becomes free floating and is referred to as and embolis aka a moving bullet It will eventually lodge into a smaller blood vessel blocking blood supply to tissues beyond the blockade This results in the tissue dying Necrosis is dead tissue in a living organism Embolis in a coronary vessel myocardial infraction heart attack Embolis in a cerebral vessel ischemic stroke brain attack
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