Body regions Superior inferior o Always appear below or above figures Anterior posterior o Those parts of the body that are in the front or the back o Same as dorsal ventral backside or stomach medial lateral o towards the midline or away from the midline Body planes Plane o An imaginary line is which is made through the body to divide sections of the body 1 Frontal plane CORONAL PLANE o divides the body into posterior and anterior parts backside and frontside 2 sagittal plane a plane that divides the body into right and left o If divided down the middle of the body then this is called the median or the midsagittal plane 3 Transverse planes o runs horizontally so that it divides the body into superior and anterior parts top and bottom parts Cavities 1 Dorsal body cavity o extends from brain down the spine 1 Cranial cavity houses the brain 2 Vertebral cavity contains the spinal cord 2 Ventral body cavity made up of thin double layered membrane calld the serous membrane o extends from the the heart lungs to the pelvic region 1 Thoraic cavity contains the hearts and the 2 Abdominopelvic cavity contains the digestive 3 Pelvic cavity contains the urinary and bladder lungs system system Abdominopelvic cavity Quadrants and regions Regions o 1 Right hyprochondriac region liver and galbladder o 2 Right lumbar region ascending colon of the large intestine o 3 Right iliac inguinal region appendix o 1 Epigastric region stomach o 2 Umbilican region small intestine o 3 Hypogastric region urinary bladder o 1 Left hypochondriac region diaphram o 2 Left lumbar region descending colon of the large intestine o 3 Left iliac region initial part of the sigmoid colon Other cavities Nasal cavity Oral cavity Orbital cavity Middle ear cavity Synovial cavity joint cavities filled with fibers that are around the freely movable joints
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