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Study Guide for Lifespan Development Exam 3 General Tips Any term bolded or underlined in a powerpoint presentation is fair game for the exam This study guide generally does not point out all of the terms and definitions I want you to know as they have already been bolded or underlined in the powerpoint presentations themselves Concepts that are repeatedly mentioned in class are likely to be on the exam This study guide does not necessarily cover every single thing I might ask about on the exam It is meant to give you a good general baseline guide for studying List of Theories and Models of Development Be familiar with the following theories and models of development and how they relate to human development this is a running list of theories discussed throughout the course thus far Erikson s Psychosocial Theory Piaget s Cognitive Developmental Theory Vygotsky s Sociocultural Cognitive Theory Piaget s Theory of Moral Development Social Roles Theory Theory of Multiple Intelligences Identity Status Model Sternberg s Theory of Love new Contemporary Life Events Approach to human development new Socioemotional Selectivity Theory new Stages of Dying new Module 8 Early Adulthood Chapters 13 14 Through what ages does early adulthood typically occur What are the five key features of emerging adulthood that differentiate it from other developmental periods In what ways have expectations for emerging adult milestones changed over time Why is it that not all cultures have a version of emerging adulthood What are the major milestones or markers listed by emerging adults as being signs of What do we mean by the concept failure to launch in emerging adulthood What factors are adulthood related to failure to launch How does our physical health compare in emerging adulthood to other time periods in our lives What are the greatest threats to our physical health in emerging adulthood What are the common trends in terms of sexual behavior during emerging adulthood How do these sexual behaviors look different between genders in terms of gender scripts dating What differences if any do we find between heterosexual and same sex couples What are the three main qualities of love according to Sternberg s Theory Be able to identify and describe the major forms of love discussed by Sternberg Who do we choose for romantic partners What kinds of qualities do we look for in romantic partners What are the major trends we notice in terms of families of emerging early adults What does the standard career progression look like for someone starting in adolescence through early adulthood For what reasons do people work What aspects of jobs tend to be the most stressful for people Module 9 Middle Adulthood Chapters 15 16 Through what ages is typically considered middle adulthood How does middle adulthood look different today than it did several generations ago What kinds of major changes come in middle adulthood What are the major losses and growths of aging into middle adulthood What types of physical changes occur in middle adulthood How does our health change going into middle adulthood Historically what were the primary causes of death for people throughout human history What are the main causes of death for middle adults in the present day How do we define stress What kinds of effects does stress have on our lives How does stress have that effect What physiological changes happen in middle adulthood involving fertility for men and women How does sexual behavior change going into middle adulthood What are the cognitive changes that occur in middle adulthood What is the primary conflict of middle adulthood according to Erikson s Psychosocial Stage theory What are the healthy and unhealthy resolutions What four needs do many adults strive for in finding meaning in life What does work look like for middle aged adults How often do middle aged adults stay in the workforce and for how long Be able to describe how the Contemporary Life Events Approach attempts to conceptualize and understand human development What are the strengths and criticisms of this approach to human development What does research suggest about the myths of Empty Nest Syndrome and Midlife Crises How do our parent child relationships change as we get older and our children move out How has the nature of grandparenting changed over time What roles do grandparents play in the lives of grandchildren and families What do we mean by intergenerational relationships and middle aged adults being caught in between generations How do we balance the struggle of caring for our growing children and our aging parents in middle adulthood Module 10 Late Adulthood Chapters 17 18 19 What age range does late adulthood cover Be familiar with general statistics regarding age and life expectancy e g maximum life expectancy average life expectancy demographics for age in the U S What are differences in life expectancy according to cultural factors gender and ethnicity What is the final conflict of human development according to Erikson s Theory that occurs in late adulthood What are the healthy and unhealthy resolutions What do we mean by review of life in late adulthood What kinds of factors are related to longevity Which help us live longer which are associated with earlier mortality What kinds of cognitive changes come about in late adulthood How does our body and health change physically throughout late adulthood What are the primary causes of death in late adulthood What are major chronic illnesses that commonly are diagnosed in late adulthood that we discussed in class What does the progression of Alzheimer s Disease look like What kinds of symptoms are indicative of Alzheimer s What treatment options do we have What does work life look like for people in late adulthood In what ways might working be good for people in late adulthood In what ways might working be challenging What are reasons for why some people choose to work into late adulthood What does retirement look like for the average late adult in the U S What factors are tied to how well a person adjusts to retirement in old age What are the three main patterns of aging experienced by older adults What factors are related to successful aging What negative stereotypes of older adults do people face as a result of ageism What kinds of societal effects might ageism have on older adults In what ways might aging look different for people based on ethnicity in old age What does Socioemotional Selectivity Theory

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TAMU PSYC 307 - Study Guide for Lifespan Development - Final Exam Spring 2021

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