Human Body Wednesday August 29 2012 12 43 PM Human Homo sapiens spinal cord Family Hominidae Man Closest cousins Genus Homo Man Extinct predecessors Homo erectus Neanderthals Anatomy The study of the parts of the body and how they relate to each other Subdivisions Gross or Macroscopic Anatomy Large body parts naked eye Regional Anatomy Specific region of body Systematic Anatomy Structure of body by systems Microscopic Anatomy Small structures cannot see w naked eye Cytology cells Histology tissues Developmental Anatomy structural changes ex Growth Superior upwards Inferior downwards Ventral anterior toward front of body Dorsal posterior towards back of body Medial towards midline of body Lateral away from midline Intermediate between medial and lateral structure Proximal closer to the limb joint Distal away from limb joint Superficial external towards body surface Deep internal away from body surface Frontal Plane vertical along body A vertical cut that divides anterior posterior Median Midsaggital vertical through A vertical cut that divides right and left parts Transverse Plane horizontal A horizontal cut that divides superior and posterior Anatomical Position Body erect feet slightly apart palms face forward thumbs away from body Body Cavities Dorsal body cavity cranial cavity brain vertebral cavity spine Ventral body cavity thoracic cavity heart lungs abdominopelvic cavity abdominal cavity digestive pelvic cavity bladder reproductive Human Body Limbs Trunk Internal organs Viscera located in the truck includes head Dorsal body cavity Observed w a sagittal cut Superior cranial cavity brain Inferior spinal cavity spinal cord Separated by the diaphragm Superior Thoracic cavity Inferior Abdomino pelvic cavity Brain spinal cord are surrounded by membranes called Meninges compartmentalization Ventral body cavity largest Observed in frontal coronal cut Organs in ventral cavity surround by membranes called Serous compartmentalization Advantages to compartmentalization Isolate organs Membranes protect spread of infection between cavities Protection against trauma Protection against infection prevents spread from one organ to the other in the same body cavity Heart Parietal pericardium Pericardial space w pericardial fluid acts like water balloon protection Physiology Study of the function of the body parts Systematic physiology study of functions of body systems 11 organ systems in human body Work together to sustain Homeostasis Structure defines function Levels Structural Organization 1 Chemical Level molecules Physiology 2 Cellular Level cells made up of molecules 3 Tissue Level tissues made up of cells 4 Organ Level organs made from tissues 5 Organ System Level organ system from multiple organs 6 Organismal Level 11 organ systems
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