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08 12 2012 11 13 00 BONES Axial skeleton those bones that lie around the bodys center Appendicular bones of the limbs of the appendendages Compact bone smooth and homogenous Spongy bone composed of small trabeculae of bones and lots of space are wide o Long Bones femur and phalanges much longer than they o Short Bones typically cubed shaped and they contaon more spongy bone than compact bone Carpsal and tarsal o Flat bones generally thin with two waferlike layers of compact bone sandwiching a spongy bone inbetween Bones of the skull Regions The skull o Frontal bone Very top of head o Parietal bone Side of the head o Temporal bone Zygomatic process Lke a handle on the skulll Mandibular fossa Indent underneath the zygomatic process Indent underneath the mandibular process Below the carotid canal more of an ident Mastoid process Jugular foramen Carotid canal Small whole o Occipital bone inside of the base of the skull Foramen magnum Biggest whole in skull Occipital condyles Outside of the skull Above the foreman magnum o Sphenoid bone Great wings ident in external view right next to zytgomatic process Lesser wings bone The skinner on the bone only on the sphenoid Optic canal looking from the top a little whole o Ethmoid bone inside of the nose bone Crista galli cocks comb top of the skull o Mandible the jaw part of the skull Mandibular condyle upper part of the jaw Mental foramen whole in the jaw o Maxillae whole bone above the trath Infraorbtal foramen whole next to the nose o Palatine bones bone above the teath next to the maxillae o Zygomatic bones cheek bone Temporal process Lacrimal bones next to the nose Nasal bones nose bone Vomer bones Hydroid bone Vertebral column Vertebrae Inferior nasal conchae o KNOW EITHER SUPERIOR ARTICULAR PROCESS o INFERIOR ARTICULAR PROCESS o Transverse process o Spinous process o Vertebral arch o Vertebral foramen o Body centrum of only a single one o Intevertebral foramina Atlas a little wider than the axis top o Lateral masses Axis move vertical than the atleas bottom o Dens odontoid process Cervical vertebrae move point top no spinous process shown o Transverse foramen wholes on the side Thoracic vertebrae spinous process at the top body on top o Transverse costal facet little bump indent in the transvere process o Superior costal focet top o Interoor costal focet bottom Lumbar vertebra 3rd portion of the vertebra Sacrum 4thr portion of the vertebrae with the wholes in it Coccyx 5th portion the different shaped portion a small looking figure Bony thorax Sternum o Jugular notch indent on the top o Manubrium o Xiphoid process separate from the sternum Ribs DISTINGUISH RIGHT LEFT o tubercle of rib bump on the rib o head of rib top of the rib shoulder clavicle RIGHT LEFT o acrominal end more circular end of the clavicle o sternal end flatter end o conoid tubercle o scapula RIGHT AND LEFT acromion coracoid process glenoid cavity flat surface DISTINCTION BETWEEN RIGHT AND LEFT ACROMION IS ALWAYS POINTED OUT arm humerus o greater tubercle like the bone o head of humerus o radial groove back of the bone o deltoid tuberosity side of the bone always towards the outside o trochlea on the pawww Forearm Radius top is like a candy o Head o Radial tuberosity bump on the side facing ulna o Ulnar notch where it fits with the ulna s head Ulna top looks like a wrench o Trochlear notch where it connects to the radius bump o Radial notch o Head of ulna on the bottom Hand Carpal wrist Metacarpal bottom of the fingers Phalanges actually finger tips Pelvic girdle make sure that a baby can go through for it to be a Illium the wings of the pelvic bone Ischuium bottom part Pubic bone the handles of the pelvic girdle Thigh RIGHT LEFT there is a huge bone that connects to the hip Forea capitis a little indent in the bone the cane part Head Greater trochanter the ax part of the bone Patellar surface part that connects to the knee Lateral epicondyle side bone women Medial epicondyle middle bone Lateral condyle on the bottom side Medial condyle on the bottom middle Patella Leg Tibia Fibula o Tibial tuberosity bump top of the tibula o Head very skinny lateral malleolus points outwards Metatarsal the bones connected to toes Phalanges TOES o KNOW POSITION proximal middle and distal JOINTS Costal cartilage found connecting the ribs to the sternum breastbone Articular cartilage cover the bones of movable joints 1 fibrous joints synarthrotic thus virtually NO MOVEMENT DENSE regular connective tissue the ankel 2 cartilaginous joints connected by cartilage thus SLIGHTLY MOVEABLE connects the bones the sternum or spinal cord 3 synovial joints freely movable joint LIGAMENTS Binds the bones ball and socket compact bone Compact bone tissue composed of OSTEONS structural units of Spongy bone tissue like a honeycomb composed of needle like structures called TRABECULAE structural units of spongy bone 08 12 2012 11 13 00 08 12 2012 11 13 00

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