Jenna Strauss BSCI 201 ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY EXAM 2 REVIEW SHEET EPITHELIAL TISSUE 1 The two main types of epithelial tissues are Membranous tissues which are covering and the lining epithelia and the two types of this are simple epithelia and stratified epithelia Glandular epithelia Which forms the glands that secret products in the body 2 Respiratory epithelium is also known as the Pseudostratified columnar epithelium It is a single layer of cells with different heights and the nuclei is seen at different levels but all the cells touch the baseline membrane It is used for secretion of mucus and propulsion of mucus by ciliary action Non ciliated type is in male s sperm carrying ducts and ducts of large glands And the Ciliated type plus mucus secreting goblet cells variety lines the trachea and most of the upper respiratory tract 3 Simple Squamous Epithelium is a single layer of flattened cells with disc shaped central nuclei and sparse cytoplasm the simplest form of epithelia IT allows passage of materials by diffusion and filtration in sites where protection is less important and secretes lubricating substances in serosae When it is located in the lymphatic vessels we call it endothelium but when it is the lining of the vertical body cavity serosae we call it mesothelium 4 The 2 main types of glandular epithelia are Endocrine glands secretes their products hormones directly into extracellular fluid Exocrine glands secrete their product onto body s surface 5 There are 2 subtypes of exocrine glands Unicellular and Multicellular Unicellular glands are the only one is goblet cells scattered in the membranous epithelia and secrete mucin mucin water mucus Multicellular glands which have two parts structure of the duct system and the secretory portion 6 The Duct System has simple and compound multicellular exocrine glands Simple glands have unbranched ducts like simple tubular and simple branched tubular ex Intestinal glands gastric glands then simple alveolar ex not in human and simple branched alveolar ex Sebaceous oil glands Compound glands have branched ducts like compound tubular ex Duodenal glands of small intestines compound alveolar ex Mammary glands and compound tuboalveolar ex Salivary glands 7 Multicellular exocrine glands include Tubular forms tubes alveolar also called Acinar and forms flask like sacs and tubuloalveolar forms both tubes and flask like sacs 8 Muticellular Exocrine Glands have a functional classification which is the mode of secretion which can be Apocrine apex of the secretory cell pinches off to release accumulated products accumulated products merocrine the secretory cells undergo exocytosis to release products holocrine mode of secretion the secretory cell ruptures to release its CONNECTIVE TISSUE 1 They all have a common origin all connective tissues are derived from the embryonic tissue called MESENCHYME 2 They exhibit a degree of vascularity from being avascular to poorly vascular to highly vascular 3 Composed of 2 parts Nonliving portion and the living portion i Nonliving portion Extracellular matrix Ground substance and the fibers Ground substance composed of interstitial fluid cell adhesion molecules and proteoglycans Fibers 3 types Collagen fibers white fibers Elastic fibers yellow fibers Reticular fibers ii Living portion Cells that are derived from mesenchyme and they produce the connective tissue Fibroblasts produce connective tissue propee Chondroblasts produce cartilage Osteoblasts produce bone tissue hematopoietic stem cell produce blood cells Elastic Connective Tissue Dense regular CT with high content of Elastic fibers Function Exhibit the stretch recoil propertie Location Ligamenta flava which connect adjacent vertebrae Cartiilage produced by chondoblasts and has a semi sold ground substance 1 Hyaline cartilage embryonic cartilage epiphyseal plates articular cartilage costal cartilage 2 Elastic cartilage epiglottis pinna 3 Fibrocartilage intervertebral discs pubic symphysis menisci Bone osseous Tissue Living portion Osteoblasts produce bone tissue solid matrix Nonliving portio extracellular matrix with Organic matrix osteoid ground substance fibers Inorganic matrix hydroxyapatites calcium phosphate crystals The Nervous Tissue Neurons are branching cells cell processes that may be quite long extend from the nucleus containing cell body also contributing to nervous tissue are nonirritable supporting cells They Transmit electrical signals from sensory receptors and to effectors muscles and glands which control their activity And located on the brain spinal cord and nerves There is the cell body of a neuron and the neuron processes and the nuclei of supporting cells and the nuclei in the cell body MUSCLE TISSUES Skeletal Muscle is Long cylindrical multinucleate cells obvious striations They have Voluntary movement locomotion manipulation of the environment facial expression voluntary control And located in the In skeletal muscles attached to bones or occasionally to skin It has nuclei and part of the muscle fiber Cardiac Muscle is Branching striated generally uninucleate cells that interdigitate at specialized junctions intercalated discs And as it contracts it propels blood into the circulation with involuntary control and is located on the walls of the heart smooth muscle is Spindle shaped cells with central nuclei no striations cells arranged closely to form sheets It Propels substances or objects foodstuffs urine a baby along internal passageway involuntary control And located in the walls of hollow organs It has nuclei Membranes as Simple Organs Cutaneous membrane Keratinized stratified squamous epithelium areolar and dense irregular connective tissue Mucous membrane Nonkeratinized stratified squamous epithelium areolar CT or Simple columnar epithelium areolar CT The areolar CT in mucous membrane is specifically referred to as LAMINA PROPRIA Serous membrane Simple squamous epithelium areolar CT simple squamous epithelium in serous membrane is specifically referred to as the MESOTHELIUM Synovial membrane dense irregular CT areolar CT The Integumentary system 1 Stata of the Epidermis a Statum Basale deepest stratum A single layer of cells including Keratinocytes Melanocytes Merkel cells i Keratinocytes are mitotically active producing cells for the superficial layers hence the stratum basale is also known as the stratum Germinativum ii Melanocvtes produce the pigment MELANIN contained in melanosomes melanosomes accumulate on the
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