2 10 12 Structural Level of Proteins 1 Primary Structure 2 Secondary Structure 3 Tertiary Structure a Proteins that achieve the tertiary structure appear ball like compact b Globular functional proteins attain the tertiary structural modification Globular proteins are denatured when you have a decrease in pH and an increase in temperature i Denaturation is when the 3D structure is uncoiled destroying 4 Quaternary Structures the active sites on the protein a Only a few proteins in the human body obtain the quaternary structural modification Cells The Living Units A cell is the basic structural and functional units of all organisms All life any organism has a cellular basis Second Structural Level The Cellular Level Cells are the structural units for all organisms hence cells are the functional units for all organisms Biochemical reactions occur within cells to sustain the organism The type of biochemical reaction occurring in a cell depends on the subcellular structure of the cell Structure defines function at the cellular level Reproduction continuity of species occurs at the cellular level In the human at the time of fertilization you are looking at the sperm and the ovum In the human body there are 200 types of cells based on structure the structure of a cell dictates its function Each cell 3 regions A plasma membrane cytoplasm nucleus Plasma membrane forms the outer boundary of the cell and is located between 2 fluid compartments the extracellular fluid ECF and the intracellular fluid ICF The ECF is subdivided Interstitial fluid the ECF that surrounds cells in a tissue Blood plasma The plasma membrane has the fluid mosaic model The structure of the plasma membrane Its composed of 2 rows of phospholipids with the polar heads interacting with the interstitial fluid and the intracellular fluid with the nonpolar cells in between away from the aqueous environments Membrane proteins are embedded in the membrane There are 2 types integral proteins and peripheral proteins Integral proteins will span the entire middle and the peripheral proteins are attached to the integral proteins on the cytoplasmic face of the plasma membrane
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