Practical 2 Review Sheet part not visible on most models figures Lab 3 Integumentary System Skin Structure Pg 70 figure 6 1 Epidermis Dermis o Papillary layer dermal papillae o Reticular layer o Nervous structures Hypodermis Pore Dermal papillae Hair shaft Hair root Hair follicle Eccrine sweat gland Pacinian corpuscle Arrector pili muscle Sebaceous oil gland Meissner s corpuscle Adipose tissue Epidermis Stratum corneum Strutum lucidum Stratum granulosum Stratum spinosum Stratum basale Accessory structures of the skin all derivatives of the epidermis but reside in the dermis Sweat glands exocrine glands secrete subtances through pores categorized by their secretions Eccrine sweat glands merocrine produce clear perspiration consisting of primarily water salts and urea Regulation of heat they secrete perspiration when external or body temperature is too high when water evaporates it carries excess body heat with it Apocrine sweat glands found predominantly in axillary and genital areas they secrete a milky protein and fat rich substance also containing water salts and urea It is a good nutrient for microorganisms living on skin and also contributes to pheromone producing scent of animals Ceruminous glands specialized sudoriferous sweat glands located in external auditory canal they produce cerumen ear wax Mammary gland located in womans breast and secretes milk for offspring Sebaceous glands found all over the skin except for palms and soles of feet Their ducts usually empty into a hair follicle but some open directly on the skin surface Produces sebum to keep skin soft and moist and keeps hair from becoming brittle Very active during puberty Nails cuticle nail Free edge the portion of the nail that grows out away from body Body the visible attached portion Lunule proximal region of the thickened nail matrix which appears as a white crescent Eponychium the thick proximal nail fold commonly called a Hyponychium underneath portion of the free edge of the nail Lateral nail fold skin folds that overlap the lateral borders of the Proximal nail fold skin folds that overlap the proximal border of the nail next to cuticle Nail bed extension of the stratum basale beneath nail Root of nail the part that is embedded in the skin and adheres to an epithelial nail bed Nail matrix the thickened proximal part of nail bed containing germinal cells responsible for nail growth As the matrix produces the nail cells they become heavily keratinized and die non living Hair structure consisting of a medulla a central region surrounded first by the cortex and then cuticle Hair root portion of the hair enclosed within the follicle Cuticle Cortex Hair matrix Hair medulla Hair papilla a small nipple of dermal tissue that protrudes into the hair bulb from the connective tissue sheath and provides nutrition to the growing hair Melanocyte Subcutaneous adipose tissue Lab 3 Skeletal System Bone Structure Cartilage Hyaline F resists compressive stress L cartilage of the nose Elastic F maintains shape of a structure while allowing flexibility L external ear pinna epiglottis Fibrocartilage F tensile strength with the ability to absorb compressive shock L intervertebral discs 2 major divisions of the skeleton Axial o Skull o Auditory ossicles o Hyoid bone o Vertebral column o Bony thorax ribs sternum o Sacrum coccyx Appendicular o Pectoral girdle clavicle scapula o Upper extremities Humerus radius ulna carpal metacarpal phalanges o Pelvic girdle 2 coxal bones o Lower extremities femur tibia fibula patella tarsal metatarsal phalanges 2 types of osseous tissue found in bones Spongy bone composed of small trabeculae bars of bone and lots of open space Compact bone smooth and homogeneous 4 major classes of bones Gross Anatomy of Long Bones Epiphysis proximal distal Diaphysis shaft Spongy bone Compact bone Articular cartilage Epiphyseal line Periosteum Medullary cavity Endosteum Yellow bone marrow Sharpey s fibers Microscopic Structure Osteon haversian system a central canal and all the concentric lamellae surroung it Lamellae concentric circles around central canal Central Haversian canal carries blood vessels nerves lymph vessels Long bones longer than they are wide femur and phalanges generally have shaft with heads at ends Short cube shaped and contain more spongy bone than compact bone tarsals and carpals Flat thin with two waferlike layers of compact bone sandwiching a layer of spongy bone bones of skull Irregular bones that do not fall into the above categories vertebrae Volkmann s canal run into compact bone and marrow cavity from the periosteum complete the communication pathway between bone interior and external surface Osteocyte in lacuna mature bone cells Lacunae chambers Perforating sharpey s fibers fibers of the periosteum penetrating into the bone Periosteum fibrous membrane covering the external surface of the bone Endosteum lining of the inside of the medullary cavity bony canals and trabeculae Canaliculi tiny canals radiating outward from the central canal to the lacunae of the first lamella and then from lamella to lamella Compact bone Spongy bone Labs 4 5 Skeletal System Bone Markings Pg 94 Table 8 1 Projections that are sites of muscle ligament attachment o Tuberosity large rounded projection may be roughened o Crest narrow ridge of bone usually prominent o Trochanter very large blunt irregularly shaped process femur o Line narrow ridge of bone less prominent than crest o Tubercle small rounded projection or process o Epicondyle raised area on or above a condyle o Spine sharp slender pointed projection o Process any bone prominence Projections that help form joints o Head bony expansion carried on a narrow neck o Facet smooth nearly flat articular surface o Condyle rounded articular projection o Ramus armlike bar of bone Projections and opening for passage of blood vessels and nerves Others o Groove furrow o Fissure narrow slitlike opening o Foramen round or oval opening through a bone o Notch indentation at the edge of a structure o Meatus canal like passageway o Sinus bone cavity filled with air and lined with o Fossa shallow depression in a bone often serving as mucous membrane an articular surface ID vertebrae types and know two characteristics for ID o Atlas C1 lacks a body o Axis C2 bears a large vertical process the dens odontoid process that serves as the pivot point short o Cervical smallest lightest vertebrae and the vertical foramen is triangular spinous process is o Thoracic large body
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