Toronto ECE 532 - Project Demos and Reports

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Project Demos and Reports ECE532S Digital Systems Design Spring 2010 1 Demo 20 April 7 2010 Please ensure that you have signed up for a demo slot Contact your TA for a time if you do not have one yet The TAs and I will be going around as a group to see each project You will first give an oral presentation describing your project Each member of the group should make part of the presentation Be prepared to answer many questions about what you did the issues you had how it works etc Please be Ready to Run at the appointed time Ready to run means that your circuit is downloaded and running Time is tight and we do not want to be waiting for downloads to occur so please try to have all displays up and running with what you want to show Your presentation should follow the following outline Please make sure everything will fit in 20 minutes so think through the presentation and demonstration beforehand A rehearsal or two would not be a bad idea Preparing a few slides Powerpoint or equivalent will help you organize the presentation better what your project is about what your initial goals were what you ended up with and why what problems you had what changes you had to make what code blocks you created what you grabbed from other places your design process what did you do to ensure success what you learned demo something working else interesting simulations Individuals may receive different grades depending on how well each of you know the project 1 2 Group Report 8 April 9 2009 Late reports will be docked 1 out of the 8 for each day late The report should be the complete documentation of your project and strictly technical information It should be a self contained document that includes all references or pointers to all the information and documentation that you needed such as data sheets IP hard or soft that you got from elsewhere other tools you used etc A test for completeness of the report is whether another person could take your report and figure out how to make your design work modify it or maintain it I will also be looking at your own code for style and especially comments I would like to put well documented and functioning projects online as example designs If you have a working pcore we could make available that would be welcome Please put it in the appropriate directory structure and send me a zip tar file Please follow this structure in your report Overview A high level description of the project goals block diagram brief description of IP used modified created or where it came from For the block diagram please see the example posted under Project Proposal on the course web page and the comments I ve made about it You will need a diagram that looks like that one Outcome Results How well it works or not Suggestions for further work or improvements Description of the Blocks More detailed description of each of the IP blocks that you have used This can be as simple as saying you used the XYZ Ver x block from the library It could also be a link to the origin of the code that you found online somewhere You must also describe what changes you might have made Ideally you should have a source code control directory like CVS that contains the original version Please document any other things you might have done to use this IP such as additional constraints needed for compilation or synthesis testing procedure testbenches test vectors Description of Your Design Tree As part of your submission please send me a zip file or gzip tar file of your design directory Include your group report in a doc directory but NOT your individual reports in the archive If you make presentation slides it would be good to include those You may send me the archive after the presentations so that I receive the latest version of your slides Please do not send non zip archive formats such as rar because zip files are easier for people to extract when I make them available on the web If the file is larger than 1MB please do not send it as an attachment You can use a service such as www yousendit com to exchange the file In addition please send me electronic versions of your reports I will make the group report and design tree available online and will archive all the reports electronically In this section document what has been sent in the file You should also include this information as a README file at the top level of your design tree directory 3 Individual Report 12 April 9 2009 Late reports will be docked 1 out of the 12 for each day late Here you have the opportunity to describe your contribution to the project and to give some additional feedback This is where you can talk about the pain and anguish you went through in terms of what you tried what worked what did not and how you eventually made things work 2 This is a significant component of your grade and I need to see significant evidence of the work you did on the project Again please follow the structure outlined below Introduction Feel free to borrow from the group report You should also reference the group report for the full documentation What you did Include discussions of items like How was the project partitioned What did you do on the project How did you ensure that your part would work with the parts done by other members of your team What hurdles did you have to overcome What other things did you learn about the various tools What other tools did you try to use What did you do to ensure success or at least improve the likelihood of success what was your design flow what kind of source code control did you use what kind of simulations and or testing did you do on your code What modules did you write How did you test them What did you learn Anything else you spent your time on related to the project Community Contribution Please indicate your community contributions I will observe who has been giving help on the bboard but indicate it here what kinds of help you provided Also if you figured out how to do something that isn t easy to find or documented well or if you just came up with a simple example of how to do something that you wished you had available at the start please write it up so that we can make it available to future users Include it as a section in your report but also send me a zip tar file of the example and the document as well so that I can post it Feedback to Xilinx Xilinx is very interested in obtaining feedback about the tools If there are features you liked didn t like or wish you had please document them here This

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Toronto ECE 532 - Project Demos and Reports

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