University of Toronto ECE532 Digital System Design Module Using Chipscope in EDK Version for EDK 10 1 03 as of June 14 2010 Goals To understand how to utilize chipscope in debugging the FPGA To learn how to incorporate different debugging chipscope cores in the system To be able to interpret the signal waveform outputs in debugging Requirements You ll need access to The Xilinx EDK 10 1 and ChipScope Pro 10 1 software with IP Update 3 Preparation Please follow the menu link below to access to the documents in XPS Help EDK Online Documentation IP Reference Processor IP Catalog Read the following chipscope peripherals to get familiar with chipscope ChipScope ICON ChipScope ILA Note Using ChipScope in EDK does not require us to generate the core manually The cores are integrated into the tool using TCL script The TCL script is called during the execution of EDK Platgen tool The script calls Core Generator in command line mode and provides arguments file to generate netlist internally Configure Hardware 1 Using the Base System Builder Wizard BSB create a new XUPV2P microblaze design with frequency 100 00Hz 2 Select On chip H W debug module with local memory 32 KB and disable cache setup 3 In the Configure IO Interface select the following peripheral RS232 Uart LEDs 4Bit PushButton 5Bit 4 In the Software setup uncheck both Memory test and Peripheral Selftest 5 Continue the BSB setup and click finish 6 Browse to IP Catalog Debug double click on ChipScope Integrated Logic Analyzer ILA and Chipscope Integrated Controller ICON to add them to the system 1 University of Toronto ECE532 Digital System Design Module Using Chipscope in EDK 7 Scroll to System Assembly View Ports make new connections for the following ports LEDs 4Bit GPIO IO O PushButton 5Bit GPIO IO I chipscope icon 0 control0 8 Under the chipscope ila 0 tab connect the following ports TRIG0 connects to PushButtons 5Bit GPIO IO I DATA connects to LEDs 4Bit GPIO IO O CLK connects to sys clk s CHIPSCOPE ILA CONTROL connects to chipscope icon 0 control0 9 Double click on chipscope ila 0 and make the following changes Under the Misc tab Change Number of Data Samples Captured Per Trigger Match to 4096 Disable Use The ILA Trigger Signal As The ILA Data Signal to allow signal other than the trigger as data output Change Width of ILA Data Input Signal to 4 as the LEDs 4Bit will be the outputs Uncheck Enable The Trigger Out Signal trig out Change Maximum Number of Levels supported by the Trigger Sequencer to 4 Under the Trigger Unit tab Change Number of Match Unit Enabled for Trigger Unit 0 to 4 Change Width of Trigger Input for Trigger Unit 0 to 5 Leave the Match Counter Width and Match Type as default Note You may refer to the documents in Preparation section to learn more comparison operations that are provided with different match types For now we use only and operations in basic mode 10 Generate bitstream and make sure there is no errors Configure Software 1 Scroll to Software tab and click Add Software Application Project name it as chipscope 2 Under Applications tab add the chipscope c file as your source file in the project directory 3 Under Software tab click Build all user application and make sure there is no errors 4 Read the simple chipscope c file and predict the shape of the waveforms 5 Download the bistream to your board and launch XMD shell in Hardware debugging mode 6 After the connection is established download the source file with dow chipscope executable elf and type run 2 University of Toronto ECE532 Digital System Design Module Using Chipscope in EDK Using Chipscope Analyzer 1 Launch the Chipscope Analyzer under your ChipScope Pro directory 2 Click on the Open Cable Search JTAG Chain icon at the left upper side of the window 3 After the socket connection is opened you should be able to see a window listing the connected devices Make sure that XC2VP30 is connected and click OK 4 Scroll to File Import click Select New File browse to your project directory and select chipscope ila 0 cdc file in your root folder Note If you cannot find the file browse to project directory implementation chipscope ila 0 wrapper chipscope ila 0 cdc instead 5 In the Trigger Setup Match Functions interface change M0 value from X XXXX to 0 XXXX This means that the ENTER push button will treat as the trigger Note Look at the chipscope c file to identify which bit correspond to which input signal 6 Click the Play icon on the shortcut command bar No waveform will be displayed until the match unit is trigger 7 Now press the ENTER push button as trigger When the signal change to low 4096 cycles of data as specified in EDK are collected and the wavaform is displayed Since the default constant is 0 all the signals should be low 8 To display a 1 up counter click Play icon again press and hold the UP push button Before you release press ENTER to trigger the output collection You should be able to see the up counter waveform right now Note Do the same for different push buttons to change the counter constant and observe different waveform 9 The LEDs light up all the time as the signal changes are too fast to be observed 10 You can use the sequencer to trigger the chipscope in any orders you like For instance change the following match units Match Unit M0 M1 M2 M3 X X X X Value 0XXX Up X0XX Down XX0X Left XXX0 Right 11 In the Trigger Setup Trigger Conditions interface double click on MO under Trigger Condition Equation enable all four match units in Boolean tab switch to Sequencer tab and assign the following match units Level 1 2 3 4 Match Unit M0 M1 M2 M3 12 To trigger the chipscope M0 M1 M2 M3 press the buttons in this order UP DOWN LEFT RIGHT 13 As long as these conditions happen in sequence chipscope can be triggered It means even UP ENTER DOWN ENTER LEFT ENTER RIGHT can be the trigger because the four conditions happen 14 Try on other match units and sequencer to get familiar with chipscope 3 University of Toronto ECE532 Digital System Design Module Using Chipscope in EDK Reference You may refer to the following materials for further information about chipscope ChipScope Pro 10 1 Serial I O Toolkit User Guide ChipScope Pro 10 1 Software and Cores User Guide 4
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