Andrew login ID Full Name Section 15 213 18 243 Summer 2011 Exam 1 Tuesday June 28 2011 Instructions Make sure that your exam is not missing any sheets then write your Andrew login ID full name and section on the front This exam is closed book closed notes You may not use any electronic devices Write your answers in the space provided below the problem If you make a mess clearly indicate your final answer The exam has a maximum score of 100 points The problems are of varying difficulty The point value of each problem is indicated Good luck 1 12 2 12 3 9 4 20 5 15 6 20 7 12 TOTAL 100 Page 1 of 11 Question 1 12 points Bits bytes and floats For the conversions below please make sure that you show all your work and your intermediate steps Answers that only contain end results will not be graded even if they are correct A Convert 11 6875 to IEEE 32 bit floating point format B Perform the following addition in the form of 8 bit twos complement binary addition Note if there is an overflow or not 72 61 C An 8 bit location in memory contains value c9 in hex This value would have different interpretations when it represents an 8 bit floating point number or an 8 bit signed integer or an 8 bit unsigned integer Find its numerical interpretations in decimal Again show your work clearly 8 bit floating point number Signed Integer Unsigned Integer Page 2 of 11 Question 2 12 points Structs Consider the following struct typedef struct char a 5 short b 3 double c long double d int e int f float g MYSTR Part 1 Show how the struct above would appear on a 64 bit x86 64 Linux machine Label the bytes that belong to the various fields with their names and clearly mark the end of the struct Use x s to indicate bytes that are wasted in the struct Part 2 Rearrange the above fields in the above struct such that it would consume the most space in memory Part 3 Rearrange the above fields in the above struct such that it would consume the least space in memory Page 3 of 11 Question 3 9 points Assembly to C Consider the 64 bit assembly code for a simple sort function We provide parts of the corresponding C code on the next page Please fill in the missing parts of the C code mysterysort mov 1 r8 jmp L1 L2 movl rdi r8 4 r11d mov 0 r9 jmp L3 L4 movl rdi r9 4 eax cmp eax r11d jge L7 mov r8 r10 jmp L6 L5 mov 0xfffffffffffffffc rdi r10 4 eax mov eax rdi r10 4 sub 1 r10d L6 cmp r9 r10 jg L5 movl r11d rdi r9 4 jmp L1 L7 add 1 r9 L3 cmp r8 r9 jl L4 add 1 r8 L1 cmp rsi r8 jl L2 retq Page 4 of 11 void mysterysort int arr int len int i j k temp for i i temp for j j if for k break Page 5 of 11 Question 4 20 points Stacks Consider the C code for calculating Fibonacci numbers and the corresponding 32 bit assembly code On the chart on the next page please document the entire state of the stack as detailed as possible just before a call to fib 4 would return but before it has popped its stack frame noting that higher addresses are closer to the top of the page Your trace should begin with the arguments from the stack frame of the caller of fib 4 Please also document where the relevant registers would point on your diagram Note that you may not find it necessary to use all of the blanks If you find a need you may refer to the addresses on which the marked lines of code would be with the letter with which they are marked int fib int n computes the nth fibonacci number if n 2 return 1 return fib n 1 fib n 2 fib push mov sub mov mov mov mov cmp jle lea mov call mov lea mov call add cleanup mov mov mov pop ret ebp esp ebp 0xc esp ebx 0xfffffff8 ebp esi 0xfffffffc ebp 0x8 ebp esi 0x1 eax 0x1 esi cleanup 0xffffffff esi eax eax esp fib eax ebx 0xfffffffe esi eax eax esp fib ebx eax Address A Address B Address C Address D 0xfffffff8 ebp ebx 0xfffffffc ebp esi ebp esp ebp Page 6 of 11 Higher addresses Lower Addresses Page 7 of 11 Question 5 15 points Jump Table Consider the assembly dump for a switch and jump table given below The switch expression and all case and break statements have been removed from the C code below it Using what you know fill in the switch expression as well as case statements and break statements on the lines below noting that you may not use every line L1 quad L6 quad L4 quad L5 quad L3 quad L4 quad L4 quad L2 quad L6 scramble cmpq 7 rdi ja L4 jmp L1 rdi 8 L2 movl rdx r8d addl r8d rsi jmp L7 L3 movl rsi r8d mov 5 r9 movl r8d rdx r9 4 jmp L7 L4 movl 15213 rsi jmp L7 L5 movl rdx r8d movl r8d rsi L6 movl rsi r8d lea r8 r8 2 r8 movl r8d rsi jmp L7 L7 ret Page 8 of 11 void scramble unsigned a int b int c switch c 5 b c b b c b 3 b 15213 Page 9 of 11 Question 6 20 points Caches Part 1 Assume that we have an initially empty 16 byte cache and there is a sequence of accesses to this cache Write down the miss hit sequence for a 4 byte blocks direct mapped cache Describe your reasoning work for credit Address Hit Miss 0x00 0x0c 0x01 0x11 0x0f 0x03 Part 2 Assume that we have an initially empty 16 byte cache and there is a sequence of accesses to this cache Write down the miss hit sequence for a 4 byte blocks 2 way set associative cache Describe your reasoning work for credit Address Hit Miss 0x00 0x0c 0x01 0x11 0x0f 0x03 Part 3 For a cache with 128 byte cache lines give the address of the first word in the line containing the following addresses 0x3892ae4f 0x4637e20c Part 4 A 16KB cache has a line length of 64 bytes How many sets does the cache have if it is 2 way associative or if it is 8 way associative 2 way associative 8 way associative Page 10 of 11 Question 7 12 points Cache Performance Part 1 Given the data below what is the impact of cache associativity on cache performance Compare the performance of the direct mapped cache with its 2 way associative version in terms of the average miss penalty Hit time for direct mapped cache 7 9 clock cycles Hit time for 2 way associative version 8 2 clock cycles Miss rate for direct mapped cache …
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