Toronto ECE 532 - SVGA Network Poker

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Hin Chan Lyndon Carvalho ECE532H1S Prof Paul Chow May 24 2005 2 player Texas Holdem Communication over the ethernet between 2 Xilinx multimedia boards server client to run gameplay Display table cards and chips for each player on separate SVGA monitors as game progresses Microblaze processor to run ethernet and poker software EMAC IP Core to communicate with ethernet hub to other board adapted from project by Patrick Akl Akl Graphics controller custom designed to display game 4x BRAM controller IP cores to control BRAM blocks for instructions data and character character mode SVGA UART for communication with a PC serial port ZBT EMC and memory chip to store embedded software Interrupt controller and timer for incoming frame interrupts receiving and ack responses GPIO for manual control of processor and monitor MB Debug Module for debugging of running software Ethernet drivers from Xilinx to control EMAC Ethernet control software to manage frames and fault tolerance adapted from project by Patrick Akl Ethernet Send Receive protocol and software to establish common communication between two boards Poker gameplay software custom designed Modular design sections divided equally Hardware System MB and ethernet hardware system design Character Mode SVGA controller bridge Software System Poker gameplay Ethernet control Ethernet protocol Testing and debugging of each module separately System integration module by module and regression testing You can fit anything on an FPGA these days Having good EDA tools is key to doing full hardware and software system design Having knowledge of the underlying hardware can really help with understanding how to better write more complex software

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Toronto ECE 532 - SVGA Network Poker

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