1st Edition
PSYCH 100: Introductory Psychology
School: University of Massachusetts Amherst (UMass Amherst )
Pages: 22A VERY detailed description of the topics covered in the last unit of intro to psychology for the final exam.
Pages: 5Different clusters of personality disorders and Therapy, way to treat these disorders.
Pages: 5Reasons behind psychotic disorders, dissociative disorders, eating disorders and personality disorders.
Pages: 5Types of anxiety disorders and some psychotic disorders.
Pages: 33An extremely detailed outline of the information covered on Intelligence, States of Consciousness, and Personality.
Pages: 3Why do we dream? What are sleep disorders?
Pages: 5What are the different types of consciousness and the stages of sleep.
Pages: 20A VERY descriptive overview of Sensation, Perception, Learning and Memory.
Pages: 5Classical Conditioning is finished and Operant Conditioning is started.
Pages: 5The first type of learning is introduced with two experiments.
Pages: 5Sensation and perception. How humans sense and perceive the world around them.