NUTRITION 130 Food Log Instruction Food Record NAME SPIRE Instructions fullness before and after the meal For 2 DAYS record what you eat keeping track of the time you ate and your hunger and To complete the Food Item Component Amount and Food Group see the instructions below and watch the Food Log Intro Lecture Echo 360Video on Moodle The Dietary Guidelines identify five Food Groups and four Dietary Components Look at the foods you on your food log and identify the Food Group or Dietary Components described by the dietary guidelines These are There are five food groups And five dietary Components Vegetables Fruit Total Grains Dairy Protein Foods Other Components Added Sugar Saturated Fat Added Sodium or Salt Alcohol Caffeine You will need to look at the labels of the food you are eating or check with your TA Help desk with questions Break each food item down into its components see example below Use your textbook for help with food group identification Be as accurate as you can with amounts oz cup Tbsp tsp etc as they greatly affect your analysis in HW 3 The video will review specific examples of common foods and their dietary components Hunger fullness Please keep track of your hunger and fullness before and after meals by referring to the hunger fullness scale below We will discuss your findings later on in the course Hunger Fullness Discovery Scale Very hungry Stuffed 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 Starving 2 Very hungry unable to concentrate 6 Comfortably full satisfied 7 Very full feel as if you have overeaten a little 3 Hungry ready to eat 4 Beginning signs of hunger 5 Comfortable neither hungry nor full 8 Uncomfortably full feel stuffed 9 Very uncomfortably full need to loosen belt 10 Stuffed to the point of feeling sick Cues In the cues column please make note of anything that you thought prompted you to eat more or less then you might usually eat Please keep track of your eating environment for example eating alone in a group family style buffet style eating while working on the computer or watching TV or phone can impact your eating We will discuss these effects later on in the course but I want you to notice the cues that may be impacting your food intake while you are recording Example FOOD ITEM Turkey sandwich TIME 11 30 AM DETAILS of the food eaten AMOUN T White bread 2 slices FOOD GROUP And COMPONENT added sugar etc Grains Turkey Lettuce Mayo 3 oz 1 oz 1 Tbsp Protein Vegetable Saturated Fat HUNGER FULLNESS 3 7 CUES Eating with friends at The restaurant WEEKDAY Day 1 DATE DETAILS of the food eaten TIM E FOOD ITEM FOOD GROUP And COMPONENT added sugar etc AMOUN T HUNGE R FULLNES S CUE S WEEKDAY Day 1 DATE DETAILS of the food eaten TIM E FOOD ITEM FOOD GROUP And COMPONENT added sugar etc AMOUN T HUNGE R FULLNES S CUE S WEEKEND DAY Day 2 DATE DETAILS of the food eaten TIME FOOD ITEM FOOD GROUP And COMPONENT added sugar etc HUNGER FULLNESS CUES AMOUNT WEEKEND DAY Day 2 DATE DETAILS of the food eaten TIME FOOD ITEM FOOD GROUP And COMPONENT added sugar etc HUNGER FULLNESS CUES AMOUNT Grading rubrics Food Records Incomplete 0 25 Partially Proficient 50 Proficient 75 Exemplary 100 Day 1 50 points Day 2 50 points One day is missing 0 points Many foods assigned to incorrect groups No portion sizes listed Description of food is not specific One day is missing 0 points Many foods assigned to incorrect groups No portion sizes listed Description of food is not specific Many foods assigned to incorrect groups Many portion sizes not listed Description of food is not specific Some foods assigned to incorrect groups Some portion sizes not listed Description of food is sometimes not specific Many foods assigned to incorrect groups Many portion sizes not listed Description of food is not specific Some foods assigned to incorrect groups Some portion sizes not listed Description of food is sometimes not specific All foods are assigned to correct food groups All food is fully described e g whole milk or 2 milk All portion sizes are stated correctly e g 1 cup not 1 average glass All foods are assigned to correct food groups All food is fully described e g whole milk or 2 milk All portion sizes are stated correctly e g 1 cup not 1 average glass
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