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Anjali Pillai PSYC 111 Chapter 8 Memory Studying Memory Memory the persistence of learning over time through the storage and retrieval of information Recall a measure of memory in which the person must retrieve information learned earlier as on a fill in the blank test Recognition a measure of memory in which the person need only identify items previously learned as on a multiple choice test Relearning a measure of memory that assesses the amount of time saved when learning material again Memory evidence that learning persists recall recognition relearning Memory Models Encoding the processing of information into the memory system for example by extracting meaning Storage the retention of encoded information over time Retrieval the process of getting information out of memory storage Sensory memory the immediate very brief recording of sensory information in the memory system Short term memory activated memory that holds a few items briefly such as seven digits of a phone number while dialing before the information is stored or forgotten Long term memory the relatively permanent and limitless storehouse of the memory system Includes knowledge skills and experiences Working memory a newer understanding of short term memory that focuses on conscious active processing of incoming auditory and visual spatial information and of information retrieved from long term memory Explicit memory memory of facts and experiences that one can consciously know and declare also known as declarative memory Effortful processing encoding that requires attention and conscious effort Automatic processing unconscious encoding of incidental information such as space time and frequency and of well learned information such as word meanings Implicit memory retention independent of conscious recollection Also called nondeclarative memory o Information processing models are analogies that compare human memory to computer s operations encode info store to retain info retrieve it later Our brain can process many things at a time some unconsciously parallel processing Connectionism views memory as product of interconnected neural networks Specific memories from specific activation patterns Learn something new neural connections change o Richard Atkinson and Richard Shiffrin 3 stage model 1 First record info as fleeting sensory memory 2 Process it into short term memory encoded by rehearsal 3 Moves to long term mem for later retrieval o Working Memory used to link info to prev stored info While integrating memory inputs with existing long term memory attention focused central executive w o this info fades o Dual Track Memory Effortful v Automatic Processing Atkinson and Shiffrin focused on how we process explicit memories Through effortful processing Also automatic processing implicit memories nondeclarative Building Memories Encoding and Automatic Processing o Implicit memories procedural memory automatic skills and classically conditions associations among stimuli sweaty palms at dentist o Automatically process info about Space where it appears time seq of events freq how many times Encoding and Effortful Processing effortful can become automatic Iconic memory a momentary sensory memory of visual stimuli a photographic or picture image memory lasting no more than a few tenths of a second Echoic memory a momentary sensory memory of auditory stimuli if attention is elsewhere sounds and words can still be recalled within 3 or 4 seconds Chunking organizing items into familiar manageable units often occurs automatically Mnemonics memory aids especially those techniques that use vivid imagery and organizational devices Spacing effect the tendency for distributed study or practice to yield better long term retention than is achieved through massed study or practice Testing effect enhanced memory after retrieving rather than simply reading info Also sometimes referred to as a retrieval practice effect or test enhanced learning Shallow processing encoding on a basic level based on the structure or appearance of words Deep processing encoding semantically based on the meaning of the words tends to yield the best retention o Sensory Memory feeds active working memory Momentary image Sperling partial test Iconic memory fleeting new images cover old ones Echoic mem fleeting but for auditory stimuli o Capacity of Short Term and Working Memory Miller said short term only 7 pieces info Working mem capacity varies depending on age etc young adults better Petersons active proc gives working memory longer lasting life Reflects intelligence level o Effortful Processing Strategies Chunking clustering into familiar units sometimes naturally Mnemonics memory aids w visual aids sys helps mem Hierarchies broad concepts into narrower ones retrieve info efficiently Distributed practice spacing effect better for long term Massed practice cramming speedy short term learning and feeling of confidence but forget quickly Repeated self testing testing effect o Levels of Processing Shallow processing basic level i e word s letters Deep processing encodes semantically meaning o Making Material Personally Meaningful Better memory Recall what we encode not literally what is there Put into meaningful terms to remember better Self reference effect esp strong in Western cultures Memory Storage Retaining Information in the Brain Hippocampus a neural center located in the limbic system helps process explicit memories for storage o Many parts of brain interact as we encode store and retrieve info that memories o Explicit Memory System the frontal lobes and hippocampus Frontal lobes and hippocampus process memories Password recall and in working mem left frontal lobe and calling up a visual party scene right frontal lobe Hippocampus save button for explicit memories damage disrupts recall Left hipp verbal info right visual Subregions one part people assoc names with face another spatial mnemonics etc Not perm stored here temp Sleep helps mem consolidation deep sleep hipp processes mem for retrieval Brain replays day s experiences cortex for long term storage o Implicit Memory System the Cerebellum and Basal Ganglia Cerebellum forming and storing implicit mems via classical conditioning Basal ganglia motor movement formation of procedural mems for skills Explains why infancy skills reach into future Conscious mem for first 3 yrs blank infantile amnesia o Index explicit mem using words nonspeaking kids no learned o Hippocampus one of last brain structures

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