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PSYCH 100 1 Introduction to Psychology Josh Wede Fall 2015 Exam Date Tuesday December 15th from 10 10AM 12 00PM in 010 Sparks Study Guide for Final Exam The exam will cover material from the entire semester Approximately 25 of the exam will come from new material Lectures 21 24 and the rest will come from previous material a fairly even distribution across the semester Lectures 2 3 and Chapter 1 1 What are the goals of Psychology The goals of psychology are to describe explain predict and change Each goal is pretty self explanatory however the breakdown 1 Describe to describe the behavior 2 Explain explain why the behavior is happening 3 Predict predictions about how we think and act 4 Change change influence or control behavior to making lasting impacts on people s lives 2 Understand the distinction between nativism empiricism nature nurture Nature Nativism Nurture Empiricism the idea that our thoughts ideas and characteristics are inborn learn about ourselves by examining one s thoughts and feelings o introspection modern term meaning looking within knowledge gained through experience senses 3 What is the scientific method Know the steps involved Scientific Method 1 Perceive determine something you want to study ex why a child gets happy when they see a dog something in the world 2 Test collect data different methodologies 3 Draw Conclusions does data match up with predictions 4 Report Revise Replicate exactly what you did 1 Hypothesis research and come up with something to test an educated prediction on 4 What are the three types of research designs Know the advantages and disadvantages of the three types of designs 1 Descriptive 2 Correlational 3 Experimental Descriptive Research Correlation Research Experimental Research Advantage to observe and record behavior observe naturally Explore cause and effect Disadvantage No control on variables singles test might be misleading Does not specify cause and effect sometimes not feasible ethical boundaries 5 Know what a survey is and what things you need to be careful about when using surveys What is random sampling and why is it used survey o can be used in all three types of research o describe what is currently going on o technique for asserting the self reported attitudes opinions or behaviors of people o representative sample is key random sampling a process by which each member of a population has an equal chance of being selected o ex marbles o problems with surveys wording wording of statements questions can affect the outcome o ex should smokers be allowed forbidden on campus 1992 Roper Poll knowledge representative must understand all words used in question need a representative sample o ex phone survey for the election of 1948 dewey vs truman 6 What is the difference between a negative and a positive correlation Know how to determine the strength of a correlation What is an illusory correlation 1 Negative correlation would be when x is increasing while y is decreasing 2 Positive correlation would be when both x and y are both increasing 3 Correlation falls between 1 and 1 when at either 1 or 1 it s perfect correlation 0 as 4 correlation value would mean that it is a horizontal line Illusionary correlation is when you think one thing happens due to another when infact they are not related 7 What is the relationship between correlation and causation CORRELATION DOES NOT MEAN CAUSATION 8 How do experiments help researchers isolate cause and effect Cause and Effect o Many factors influence our behavior o the goal of an experiment is to manipulate the variable of interest while controlling everything else 9 Know the 3 measures of central tendency and why one may be better than another skewed distribution Understand the measures of variation range standard deviation Measures of Central Tendency o Mode most frequent o Mean average o Median middle Measures of variation o Range difference between highest and lowest values in distribution o Standard deviation computed measure of how much values vary around the mean Key Terms A Behaviorism 1920 s B Case Study C Control group a a a D Correlation E Dependent Variable F Experimental group a b emphasized the objective scientific analysis of observable behaviors i mental events are triggered by external stimuli which leads to behavior looked at behavior and its measurement rather than consciousness of Wundt and James a group of 3 4 people or individual with similar characteristics b Advantages you can get a lot of data because you study in great detail c Disadvantages we don t know if the experience would be the a group of subjects closely resembling the treatment group in many demographic variables but not receiving the active medication or factor under study and thereby serving as a comparison group when treatment results are evaluated a measure of the relationship between two variables factor that is proposed to change in response to independent variable i measured by the experimenter a the group in an experiment that receives the variable being tested One variable is tested at a time The experimental group is compared to a control group which does not receive the test variable G functionalism 1890 functions of the mind the study of the function rather than the structure of consciousness a b c however minds adapt to changing environment i behavioral observations conducted in a lab ii William James USA 1 1st psychological laboratory in the USA 1879 H Hypothesis a an educated prediction on something in the world I Independent Variable a variable that is manipulated by the experimenter i has an effect on the dependent variable J Population a Psychologists may want to study for example the effect of some new test on all college students but this is obviously not possible Instead what they do is test on a sample or a smaller group of college students In this example everyone who could possibly be a participant in the study meaning all college students is part of the population College students would be the population the researcher wants to study and from which they select a sample K Random Assignment the key to experimentation a b minimizes individual different c each person has equal chance to be in any condition of the experiment L representative sample random sampling a M structuralism 1879 selected i a process by which each member of a population has a equal chance of being a b elements of the mind the study of the most basic elements primarily sensations and perceptions that make up

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PSU PSYCH 100 - Study Guide for Final Exam

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