PSYCH 100 Loviscky Final Exam Study Sheet Cumulative Portion A Separate Study Guide Will Cover the New Material Since Exam 3 The Final Exam will be held during finals week in 102 Forum The cumulative portion will consist of 10 multiple choice questions 15 true false and matching questions all of which will account for up to 35 points The questions will be based on the following lecture material no textbook reading assignment material in the cumulative portion Psychological Research Methods What are the 3 Main Categories of Research Methods 1 Descriptive Research Allows for description of behavior and mental processes as they occur Case Studies in depth study of one few research participants Naturalistic Observation observing recording behavior in participant s normal environ Surveys asks questions of a sample of people to assess behaviors attitudes sample represent population random selection Systematically collect and record data DESCRIPTIVE goal of psychology 2 Correlational Research Statistically analysis of relationships among naturally occurring variables Identify relationships and how well one variable predicts another PREDICTIVE goal of psychology 3 Experimental Research Manipulated control measurement of variables Identify cause and effect EXPLANATION goal of psychology Ethical Concerns Researchers measure each participant on 2 or more naturally occurring variables Predictor Variable thought to forecast the outcome variable Outcome Variable the variable that researchers want to predict Scatterplots correlation 1 to 1 0 5 0 4 Quantitative CORRELATION IS NOT CAUSATION 3rd variable problem another variable impacts both the predictor and outcome variable ex ex parental neglect could cause child aggression so could watching violent TV ex amt of shark attacks is not related to amount of ice cream sold it is because it is summer which is when you eat more ice cream and there you are in the water more Independent Variable a potential cause that is chosen and manipulated by the experimenter Randomly assign participants to groups Experimental Group received the treatment Control Group Receives no treatment Dependent Variable a measured behavior thought feeling of the participants Between Subjects Experiment everything is the same except one thing ex one group got the pill other got the placebo Within Subjects Experiment Counterbalancing used to account for Carry over effects all possible orders of presenting the variables are included ex 50 ppl watch violent then non violent other 50 watch non violent then violent Cons Confounding variables uncontrolled variables ex blue and red cup soda or Janet Jackson before and after pic clothing makeup effects her looks People might not behave naturally if they know the true purpose of a study Neuroscience The Biological Perspective How Do the Cells in the Nervous System Communicate Know the role that neurotransmitters play in communication between cells Be familiar with how cells communicate electrically and chemically Dendrites branches of the tree receive info from other neutrons Soma or Cell Body top of the trunk of the tree receives info from dendrites and passes message to axon Axon pulp of tree carries message away from cell body Myelin Sheath bark insulates axon and speeds neural impulses Axon terminal roots of tree release neurotransmitters into synapse Neurotransmitters chemicals released into synapse that may affect other neurons Synaptic Vesicles sacs containing neurotransmitters Synapse gap between axon terminals of one neuron dendrites of others Receptor sites allow only molecules of certain shapes to fit in a dendrite Reuptake process od neurotransmitter being taken back into synaptic vesicle What Tools Are Used By Neuroscientists Be able to distinguish among the various invasive non invasive techniques Be able to distinguish among the procedures purposes advantages and disadvantages of the various techniques Phrenology study of bumps on the skull not accurate Invasive techniques Brain dissection impact of disease on brain tissue cadavers dead people Ablations and Lesions Ablations surgically removing parts of the brain Lesions destroying specific parts of the brain Electrical stimulation of the Brain ESB using an electrode a weak electrical current stimulates specific parts of We test on animals Non invasive Techniques Clinical observations case studies Man who mistook his wife for a hat thought objects were people Phineas Gage Clive Waging Split Brian the brain H M Neuropsychological Tests measure verbal nonverbal behaviors of people who may have suffered brain damage Electrical Recordings electroencephalogram EEG measure of electrical activity reveals brain activity during tasks or changes in mental status compare abnormal brain waves to normal brain waves Computed Topography Scan CT Scan computer created cross sectional X rays of brain reveals the brain structure shows effects of strokes injuries tumors least type of imagery expensive Position Emission Topography Scan PET Scan radioactive glucose injected into bloodstream scanner reveals Magnetic Resonance Imaging MRI fMRI electromagnets sent high frequent magnetic fields through the brain activity like a weather map produces high resolution images of the brain MRI reveals structure new pics every few minutes like PET scan but is more detailed fMRI reveals activity new pics less than a second apart lights up part of the brain highest resolution expensive What Does the Cerebral Cortex Do Know the location functions of the lobes Temporal lobes hearing language comprehension memory some emotion control the guy who couldn t name the animals had a damaged temporal lobe Occipital lobe receive process visual info Parietal lobe receive info about pressure pain touch temperature Somatosensory cortex receives sensory info Motor cortex controls voluntary muscle movement Frontal lobe voluntary muscle control speech production higher functions personality thinking memory etc Wernicke s area left temporal lobe speech comprehension Broca s area left frontal lobe speech production often say things out of order if this is damaged What Do the Left Right Hemispheres Do Know the basic functions of each hemisphere and now split brain patients process info Left Hemisphere Right Hemisphere Gestalt Controls right hand Controls left hand Spoken language Non verbal Written language Visual spacial perception Math calculations Music art Logical thought Emotional thought recognition Analysis of detail
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