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Social Psychology How people influence other behavior beliefs and attitudes We tend to think others are vulnerable to social influence but not ourselves Humans social species 150 connections known reasonably well Evolutionarily good to be socially connected often seen as negative Social Comparison Theory We evaluate our own beliefs based on others Upward compare to superiors if he can do that so can I Downward compare to inferiors Im not the best but at least im better than Attribute to inherent talent feel better bc nothing u can do to achieve that Boost self image Negative Social Influence Positive Mass Hysteria irrational behavior ex salem whitch trials Urban legends false repeated stories Ex been around so long believe true Social Facilitation better performance with others around bikes and roaches Social Disruption worse performance with others chocking under pressure Fundamental Attribution Error Assigning causes to behavior Internal character personality dispositional vs External situational WE over estimate dispositional influence WE under estimate situational influence lack of knowledge Opposite for own behavior Ex kid in store wants ice cream mom yells and says no Japanese and Chinese prone to seeing others behavior as a whole more accurate estimation Conformity Obedience Conform alter behavior as a result of group prescence The Asch Studies 1 Changing your right answer when an entire group says something else 2 Unanimity less unanimous less conform 3 Different wrong answers less conform 4 Group size increase conform up to 5 Deindividuation Stanford Prison Study Tendency to engage in uncharacteristic behavior when stripped of identity Feeling Ananomyous ex war paint cyber bully Halloween Showed deindividuation Prisoners and guards By second day gaurds treated prisoners cruel Prisoners started a rebellion After 6days had to stop Happened although all knew it was a study and everyone was just a volunteer Group Think Unanimous for group expense of critical thinking Want everyone to agree shared info no net gain Can be dangerous lead to dumb ideas Tendency to strengthen one dominant opinon Inhibit thinking outside the box Politics in America Fight it by encouraging dissent devils advocate indep expert help Following instruction from authority Ex signs Can be bad when people don t question why others are promoting this behavior Reveals affect of obedience How holocaust happened Shock up to 450 volts bc researcher said to Results hypothesis most stop at 150 62 went to 450 although reluctant Group Polarization Obediance The Milgram Paradigm The Bystander Effect Helping others Pluralistic ignorance don t recognize emergency bc youre confused as to why no one else reacted Diffusion of responsibility more people less responsible you feel Altruism helping others unselfishly Empathy feeling bad Escape more likely to help if you cant escape Victum character more cane vs drunk Time less likely to help if late Mood more likely to help in a good mood Enlightenment Effect morelikely to helo if u know these effects Agression Behavior intended to harm others mental or psyical Factors Individual personality negative impulsive lack closeness 1 2 Gender Males more physical aggression Females more relational aggression 3 Culture South more aggressive bc defending culture of honor Situational Interpersonal Provocation being provoked more A 1 2 Frustration more frustrated moreA 3 Media Influences watching violent media moreA observational learning 4 Aggressive Cues Presence of guns knives opposed to racket MoreA 5 Arousal Exercise arousal MoreA mistake arousal for anger 6 Alchohol Drugs decreaseA except when directly threatened 7 Temperature Increase temp increase irritability moreA Attitudes vs Belief Cognitive Dissonace Belief confidence in truth of something without much proof think Attitude belief with emotional component feel about person issue A affects behavior when belief is firm or person is a low self monitoring Conflicting thought mental tension EX im honest but cheated on my tes EX so im not actually honest I didn t actually cheat EX I had to cheat bc test was unfair Ex arguing quitting smoking hazing The Peg Turning Experoment Paid to do boring experiment Payed less enjoyed more convince themselves they didn t waste time Persuasion Dual Process Model 1 Central Route evaluate merits content big decisions careful analysis stronger attitude 2 Peripherial Route surface humor attractiveness small decisions weaker but short term effect Techniques Prejudice Descrimination 1 Foot in door small request to larger one when asking 2 Door in Face start big then back off asking or bargaining 3 Low Ball low price then adds selling negotiating Sterotype all members in group share same good bad trait ultimate attribution error group everony in NJ is trashy bc jersey shore positives luck Prejudice negative conclusions about people group situation w o evidence Discrimination different treatement for different groups of people Idnorance Adaptive Conservatism distrust unfamiliar different ingroup bias favor people in a group outgroup homogeneity view outside group as all the same Scapegoat Hypothesis claim predicuice need to blame others Just World Hypothesis out behavior shaped by assumption that world isn t fair things have to happen for a reason Robbers Cave 5th graders in competition name calling force to work together ended it

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