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PSYCH 100 Introduction to Psychology Josh Wede Fall 14 Study Guide for Exam 3 Exam Date in class on Thursday November 20th The exam will consist of multiple choice questions The exam questions will mainly be based on material from lecture and also discussed in the book but some material will only be covered in the textbook Remember you won t be asked about simple definitions or facts so make sure you understand the following concepts Lecture 13 and Chapter 8 pgs 334 338 see Exam 3 schedule on ANGEL for other textbook versions 1 What changes take place in the brain during adolescence a Until Puberty neurons increase their connections i At adolescence selective pruning of the neurons begins Unused neuronal connections are lost to make other pathways more efficient b Frontal Lobe Involved with higher level of emotional interactions i ii Neurons in the frontal cortex myelinate speeding up nerve conduction iii Hormonal surges and limbic system may explain teens occasional impulsiveness c Cognitive Development i New ability to reason gives adolescents a new level of social awareness ii They can think about 1 Their own thinking 2 What others are thinking 3 And about what others are thinking about them iii Personal fable iv Imaginary audience I am unique Everyone is looking at me 2 Know Kohlberg s stages of moral development a Kholberg s Theory focuses on why you have moral beliefs b Moral Thinking ii Conventional Morality i Preconventional Morality gain reward own sake iii Postconventional Morality perceived ethical principles Before age 9 children show morality to avoid punishment or By early adolescence social rules and laws are upheld for their Affirms people s agreed upon rights or follows personally 3 Know that parents and peers help to shape our identity Key Terms Adolescence Imaginary audience Personal fable Lectures 14 16 and Chapter 5 1 What is learning a Learning is a relatively permanent change in an organism s behavior due to experience b We learn by association our minds connect two things outside of our control 2 Know classical conditioning including Pavlov s experiment A type of learning in which an organism learns to associate stimuli a Classical Conditioning b Pavlov s Experiments i Before conditioning food US produces salivation UR 1 Tone is a neutral stimulus ii During conditioning neutral stimulus now CS elicits salivation now CR iii Unconditioned Stimulus iv Unconditioned Response Naturally Elicits response Naturally occurring response v Conditioned Stimulus Originally relevant stimulus 1 Association with US triggers a CR vi Conditioned Response learned response response to CS 3 What are extinction and spontaneous recovery a Extinction b Spontaneous Recovery diminishing of a conditioned response when US no longer follows CS the reappearance of an extinguished response after a break 4 Know what generalization and discrimination are including the experiment with little Albert a Generalization b Discrimination c Little Albert Conditioned to hate rats generalized to other furry animals tendency for similar stimuli to elicit similar responses Ability to distinguish between a conditioned stimulus and other stimuli 5 Know that we are more biologically disposed to form certain associations over others a Biological Preparedness Disposition i Some believed that any association could be learned equally well 6 What is taste aversion a Humans are apt to have an aversion to foods if they become sick afterwards b The learning could be passed from generation to generation 7 What is operant conditioning Know the difference between classical and operant conditioning a Operant Conditioning forms association between behaviors and resulting events i Behavior that operates on environment producing consequences b Thorndike s experiment i Law of effect rewarded behavior is likely to recur 8 Know reinforcement positive and negative and punishment both positive and negative a Shaping b Types of Reinforcers i Reinforcers guide behavior closer towards a desired behavior ii Called successive approximations i Any event that strengthens the behaviors it follows 1 Positive reinforcement Increasing behavior by presenting positive stimuli 2 Negative Reinforcement Increasing behaviors by removing negative stimuli a Ex Pay for good grades a Ex Seat belt sound c Punishments i An eversion event that decreases the behavior that it follows 1 Positive Punishment administer an aversive stimulus a Ex A parking ticket 2 Negative reinforcement withdraw a desirable stimulus a Ex Time out from privileges 9 Operant vs Classical Conditioning a Classical b Operant organism learns associations between events that it doesn t control organism learns associations between its behavior and resulting events 10 What is cognitive learning theory Know latent insight learning and learned helplessness a Cognitive Learning Theory b Latent Learning the idea that learning could happen without reinforcement and then later affect behavior Insight Learning Sudden perception of relationships between parts of a problem c d Learned Helplessness Failure to escape from situations because of previous failures i Ex Abusive relationships 11 What is observational learning What are mirror neurons What are the 4 elements of observational learning a Observational Learning Sometimes the behavior is desirable and other times it is not b Mirror Neurons is the learning of new behavior through watching the actions of a model i Neuroscientists have discovered neurons in the brain of animals and humans that activate during observational learning c 4 Element of Observational Learning i Attention must notice it ii Memory Imitation iii iv Motivation must remember it must be able to do it must have desire 12 Know what Bandura s experiments tell us about observational learning a Bobo punching doll experiment i Children imitate what they see Key Terms Biological preparedness Classical conditioning Conditioned response Conditioned stimulus Continuous reinforcement Fixed interval Fixed ratio Higher order conditioning Neutral stimulus Observational learning Operant conditioning Partial reinforcement Primary reinforcer Punishment Reinforcement Secondary reinforcer Shaping Spontaneous recovery Successive approximations Unconditioned response Unconditioned stimulus Variable interval Variable ratio Lectures 17 18 and Chapter 14 dysfunctional 1 Know what must be included in a diagnosis of a psychological disorder deviant distressful and a When behavior is deviant

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PSU PSYCH 100 - Study Guide for Exam 3

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