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Chapter 15 Treatment and Therapy Psychotherapy person with psychological problems Definition a specialized process in which a trained professional uses psychological methods to help a personal growth People enter therapy in order to rid themselves of an abnormal behavior or to improve their daily living Psychoanalysis Freud the root of all psychological problems are unconscious conflicts Psychodynamic Therapy Free Association talk about whatever comes to mind uncensored Dream Analysis royal road to the unconscious problems childhood issues unconscious processes Psychodynamic Therapy Modern day Freudian therapy explores the deeper reasons for a client s Transference client transfers emotions from inner life usually feelings towards parents onto the therapist Humanistic Therapy warmth empathy esteem Resistance any unconscious attempt to subvert the therapy process Client Centered Therapy Carl Rogers emphasizes the relationship between therapist and client Unconditional Positive Regard therapist must always respect and like the client build client s self Behavior Therapy helping clients unlearn self defeating behaviors classical and operant conditioning Behavior Therapy if you have a behavior that s not working for you then we are going to change that behavior to phobic stimuli Behavioral Treatment of Phobias Systematic Desensitization a complex procedure involving progressive relaxation and graded exposure 1 Progressive Relaxation learning to deeply relax the muscles of the body Graduated Exposure exposing mildly fearful stimuli and then gradually exposing more and more Flooding confronting the client with high levels of fearful stimuli until the fear response is might be problematic to the client Skills Training teach skills such as social skills that someone may be lacking Role Playing a therapeutic technique in which the therapist and client act out different scenarios that ways of thinking in order to eliminate abnormal emotions and behavior Cognitive Therapy teaches individuals new cognitions thoughts adaptive beliefs expectations and Cognitive Therapy Rational Emotive Therapy RET Albert Ellis challenge a person s unrealistic thoughts or irrational Catastrophize when a person blows things out of proportion Overgeneralize when a person thinks in all or nothing terms major depression Cognitive therapy has been shown to work well with a variety of anxiety disorders eating disorders and A combination of medication and cognitive therapy is the most effective treatment for depression Family Systems Therapy emphasizes an understanding of the roles of each family member and how the family functions as a system this method is usually conducted with all members of the family but it can be practiced individually Family Therapy Drug Therapy Drug Therapy the most widely used medical treatment for psychological disorders fearful stimuli extinguished beliefs 2 Antidepressants mood elevators but also used for a variety of other disorders elevates levels of serotonin and norepinephrine Tranquilizers anti anxiety to treat mild anxiety not to be used for long time periods Antipsychotic drugs used to treat schizophrenia and other psychotic disorders inhibits dopamine reduces delusions hallucinations thought disorganization Other Medical Therapy Electroconvulsive Therapy ECT People are shocked which produces a convulsive brain seizure In the 1930s the seizures were violent sometimes resulting in broken bones but today anesthesia and muscle relaxants make the procedure more humane Is used with severely depressed or psychotic individuals No one is sure exactly why it works but it is suspected that it alters brain neurotransmitters system 1940s 50s emotional outbursts Psychosurgery NOT done anymore Prefrontal Lobotomy surgically cutting the neural fibers that connect the frontal lobes with the limbic This was thought to prevent disturbing thoughts and perceptions from reaching the brain and prevent These don t work and caused serious side effects loss of intellectual functioning and seizures 3

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PSU PSYCH 100 - Treatment and Therapy

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