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Up to the Peace of Paris origins of Russian Revolution A War training 1 Misunderstood 1 Warfare has changed A No more Calvary a Mowed down by machine guns 2 Not a war of movement A Generals in most nations were prepared for a war that didn t come a Naval rivalry Helped poison relationships Admirals planned for the day when battleships would settle the war on sea i ii i ii i i ii i ii i i ii 3 Lots of killing A First 2 months were blueprint of war a Machine guns b Trench mortar Use for closer combat Defensive weapons B Propaganda 4 Preparation A GB a Young kids were taught at a young age to hate other states Atmosphere of tragedy a Reliance of navy b Best small army in the world c Entered because she thought she had no choice Initially wanted to remain neutral Belgium presented a reason to enter the war Germany would not remove its troops in Belgium GB had a treaty with Belgium d Churchill and Lloyd George wanted to look for alternatives to fight B Germany a Schlieffen plan Start with France then concentrate on Russia Spinning wheel b General Von Moltke executed that plan Didn t win the war i C French a Plan 17 b Verdun Spearhead motion to the east Germany Cut its way through Germany Greatest fortified city of that time Salient Stuck out on enemy lines Makes sense to withdraw army but it was inconceivable Battle of Verdun 1916 More artillery shells were fired than in all previous European wars together German plan was to shell Verdun until they get tired 300 000 on each side died Nobody planned for that General Falcon lost his job after that You have to win the war where the enemy is not at sea Plenty of people thought that if France and Russia fell Europe would fall under the Germans Democracy will be taken out Germany will country the economy GB would be in isolation At the start GB was overwhelmed with voluntary enlistment Patriotic fever A lot of times they were sent home c Haig b Draft D Question What would the world be like a What if Britain had not entered the war 5 One month into the war A September program by Germany a Completely suppressed in the history books b When we win the war Europe will become a German dominated free trade zone c Africa would be turned into German control Source for raw material 6 End of the war A 5 treaties a Treaty of Versailles B War 1 Battles 1 Battle of Somme 1916 A First day a GB lost 60 000 Agreement that Germany takes the fault of the war Diplomats of Germany assassinated when they got home Doesn t make sense You have to win Or you lose Fault of the people who planned the battle b Started in July and ended in October iii iv i i i i i ii i ii i ii i ii i GB lost 400 000 men total Led by the GB and France had a supporting role Only lost 200 000 Germanys lost 500 000 B Result 2 Turkey a GB captured miles of Germany territory Eventually would lose it in 1917 i A Churchill knew that if you take Turkey it would break stronghold in SE Europe a But they couldn t afford to give up one man Later Churchill came up with a plan to use Navy to force Constantinople to surrender Initially successful but Turks held out 2 Germany in 1917 1 Appeared stronger than ever A Battle of Passiondale a British and French soldier hurled against German lines Same result Everyone lost 100 000s B Germans knew they had one last desperate chance a US would enter war soon

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