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Chapter 10 Intelligence Mental acuity Measurement of Intelligence Sir Francis Galton Intelligence genetically determined passed down Sensory Motor ability Head size and intelligence correlation Head size larger the more intelligence FALSE Weed out children who can t keep up Social Darwinism Franz Joseph Gall Studies phrenology study of personality Different personality attributes lazy funny happy Stored in different parts of the brain More brain tissue in that area a bump Raymond Cattell proved it FALSE Alfred Binet Binet Simon Intelligence Scale Mental Age how old you are mentally testing Testing 6 12 years old until found a standard Terman Stanford Binet Intelligence Test Incorporated IQ intelligence quotient IQ MA CA 100 68 70 130 95 85 115 Revision of the Binet Simon Scale Less than 70 retarded Over 130 gifted Measurements of Intelligence Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale WAIS Verbal IQ Performance IQ Full Scale IQ composite of above scores Verbal Comprehension Index VCI Working Memory Index WMI Perceptual Organization Index POI Processing Speed Index PSI Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children WISC Gardner s Multiple Intelligences Linguistic learn languages Logical Mathematical manipulating numbers Spatial visualize world around you Musical musically talented intelligent Bodily Kinesthetic motor and sensory coordination good control of cerebellum predisposition one sport to the next easily Interpersonal observe social cues and other s emotions Intrapersonal understanding yourself Naturalist using the environment Existential recognize a deity Gardner s Theory of Multiple Intelligence Evidence Prodigies Autistic Savants splinter skills social deficiency self focused compulsive behavior Autism Extremely good in one or two skills and bad and deficient in others disabilites Brilliant but inhibited some can t even walk or cant communicate well Brain injured patients Creativity As a whole is one trait that separates our species Homo Sapiens from that of the other Homo species and primates If one found a tool designed by the species Homo Erectus who existed for approximately 1 5 million years at the beginning of their time period and compared it to a tool found toward the end of this span it would be strikingly similar in nature However with us we are innovating all the time and tools change for us very frequently Novelty and Practicality Novelty new solution of doing something Practicality a reasonable way of doing something Relationship to intelligence If you are creative you must be intelligent If you are intelligent you don t have to be creative Measurement Divergent Production Test producing objects and words Guilford 1967 Convergent Validity using existing node scale Weak correlation Remote Associates Test using a word that fits for all three given words Mednick Mednick 1967 Triads Weak correlation Consensual Assessment Technique Amabile 1985 Testing existing creativity Moderate to strong correlation Methods for Enhancing Creativity Brainstorming Combining many unique ideas Creation of guey for this to be an effective means of enhancing creativity the environment in which brainstorming takes place must be encouraging and NOT criticizing Incubation A break between work sessions Yerkes Dodson Law optimal level of arousal in getting involved in problem solving More unique or partial solution Preform better Problem Solve Algorithm heuristic Algorithm systematic approach in solving a problem Heuristic educated guess AKA Rule of Thumb or Educated Guesses Trial and error Thorndike Insight Learning Kohler Insight Learning could learn with a flash of insight recognition Learn via cognition Expertise Functional fixedness inability to come up with a unique solution to a problem The more creative you are the less functionally fixated you are When you become an expert at something you become functionally fixated Mental Set apply well learned problem solving method to another problem Fluid intelligence Solve new problems creative thinking Learn new things More in younger kids decrease with age Crystallized Intelligence Expertise good at something and unlikely to change it harder to pick up new patterns of learning Use already known skills Increase with age Proactive interference the more times you learn the harder it gets if it is the same category because older materials interferes Ex the professor to have a harder time remembering the names of people in class because he has learned so many names in the past Language Intelligence Skinner said language is learned through shaping reinforcing successive approximation Reinforcement theory children learn language through shaping Chomsky psycho linguist Humans have genetic predisposition for language Language is too difficult to learn simply by reinforcement Children regardless of culture learn language in the same sequence pattern grammar Learning language is not reflexive Internalize the lexicon and syntax combining words A cognitive process not a behavioral process Generative Transformational Theory of Language communicating an idea Process say 1 Speaker 2 Generative Process starts with idea ideas become deep structure underlying meaning of what someone is 3 Transformational Process 4 Listener hear surface structure creates surface structure the exact words 5 Transformational Process 6 Generative Process generate an idea listener takes surface structure and change it to deep structure Linguistic Relativity Hypothesis the more important something is in a culture the more words there are Make finer descriptions The perceptions of concepts in a given culture are influenced by the language they speak Chapter 11 Development Psychology Ontogeny changes in individuals over a lifespan History of Development Psychology Darwin Evolutionary biologist Ontogeny recapitulates phylogeny Ontogeny study of the development of human being from birth to death recapitulate repeat phylogeny development of lifeforms throughout the history of the earth Great interest in prenatal and neonatal development Methods Used in Developmental Psychology Cross sectional Design compare different groups of people right now all at once Advantage Time efficient Disadvantage Cohert Effect confound another variable to explain differences Advantage Controls for individual differences Disadvantage Time consuming expensive selective participant mortality and drop outs People with lower social economic status worse health care and less trust in science testing with time gaps in

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