Psych 100 1st Edition Exam 1 Study Guide Chapters 1 2 9 Chapter 1 Introduction to the Psychology What are Psychologist What do they do What are the different fields of Psychology How do today s Psychologist view the perspective of Psychology How do psychologist study Psychology is the scientific study of behavior and mental processes Psychologist are engaged in research which can be either pure research or applied research they are also engaged in practice and teaching However the difference between the two is that pure research is conducted without concern for immediate applications and applied research is conducted an in effort to find solutions to particular problems There are many fields of psychology such as which are clinical psychology counseling psychology school psychology developmental psychology personality psychology environmental psychology experimental psychology industrial psychology organizational psychology human factor psychology consumer psychology health psychology forensic psychology and lastly sport psychology Psychologist view psychology behavior and mental processes through many perspectives such as the cognitive perspective HumanisticExistential Perspective the psychodynamic perspective social cognitive and lastly the sociocultural perspective Cognitive Perspective focuses on the ways we mentally represent the world and process information Humanistic Existential Perspective stresses human capacity for selffulfillment and free choice and personal responsibility Psychodynamic Perspective focuses more on conscious choices and selfdirection Social Cognitive is when people modify and create their environment through observation Sociocultural Perspective focuses on the influence of differences among people on behavior and mental processes Chapter 2 Biology and Psychology Nervous System The role of Neurotransmitters Parts of the Nervous System Parts of the Brain Genes Kinship Studies Nervous System consists of the brain the spinal cord and the nerves linking them to the sensory organs muscles and glands which is also broken up into two parts the Central Nervous System and the Peripheral Nervous System Central Nervous System is the system that makes up the brain and spinal cord Peripheral Nervous System consists of the somatic and autonomic Nervous System Somatic Nervous System is made up of sensory and motor neurons such as the skeletal muscles and the surface of the body Autonomic Nervous System regulates glands and muscle of the internal organs such as the heartbeat respiration digestion and dilation of the pupils Within the Autonomic Nervous System there are two branches within it which are the Sympathetic Nervous Sys and the Parasympathetic Nervous Sys Sympathetic Nervous Sys is the most active during emotional responses and it spends the body s reserve of energy Parasympathetic Nervous Sys is the most active but only during the processes that restore the body s reserve of energy Neurotransmitters are chemical substances involved in the transmission of neural impulses from one neuron to another Axon is to outgoing whereas dendrite is receiving Synapse is a junction between the axon terminals of one neuron and the dendrites The difference between afferent and efferent neurons is that efferent neurons AKA Motor neurons transmit messages from the brain or spinal cord while the afferent neurons AKA Sensory Neurons transmit messages to the brain or spinal cord The major parts of the brain are the medulla pons cerebellum cerebrum thalamus amygdala hypothalamus and the hippocampus Medulla is involved with the regulation of the heartbeat blood pressure movement and respiration Pons is involved in repression attention sleep and arousal Cerebellum controls movements Cerebrum is the forebrain which contains two hemispheres Thalamus is the relay station for sensory stimulation Hypothalamus regulates body temperature motivation and motivational behavior Amygdala has to do with fear and recognizing emotions Hippocampus has to do with memory Cortex is the winkled butter surface of the brain which has four lobes Frontal Lobe has to do with personality making decisions and behavior Parietal Lobe has to do with sensory information Occipital Lobe focuses on visual information Temporal Lobe deals with hearing and speaking Genes are a basic unit of heredity that is found at a specific point on a chromosome Each cell in the body contains 46 chromosomes and 23 pairs Chromosomes are structures within a cell nucleus that carries genes Deoxyribonucleic Acid DNA the substance that forms the basic material of chromosome Genotype is the genetic makeup Phenotype is the development and appearance of a person Monozygotic twins Identical twins who share the same genetic code Dizygotic twins Fraternal twins whose genes develop from two fertilized ova Chapter 9 The Voyage Through the Life Span What are the stages of prenatal development What are the cognitive and physical developments Whats is the social and emotional development What does attachment mean and what are the different types Parenting Styles What is the adolescence cognitive and physical developments social and emotional development and physical development What is the adulthood cognitive and physical developments social and emotional development and physical development Germinal Stage is conception through implantation In this stage the baby is called a zygote Also in this sate cells divide and become implanted in the uterine walls which end this stage which takes about 1 week Embryonic Stage is where this is the last implantation until the 8th week The baby is known as an embryo at this stage Genetic codes cause sex organs to differ The embryo is in an amniotic sac At this stage major body organs and systems are formed Fetal Stage begins at the third month until birth At the end of the third month major organs systems fingers and toes form The baby in this stage is considered as a fetus which they are characterized by maturation and gains in weight 3 Months prior organ system continues to mature 4th Month the mom starts to detect first fetal movements End of the 6th Month Fetus moves limbs vigorously the mom feels being kicked Fetus opens and closes eyes and sucks its thumb Physical development during infancy consists of reflexes which are simple unlearned stereotypical responses elicited by specific stimuli Stimuli such as Rooting Babinski startle and sucking and grasping Rooting and sucking causes them to eat Startle Moro
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