Toronto ECE 532 - 2D Graphics Engine - Group Report

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2D Graphics Engine Group Report ECE532 Digital Hardware Hafiz Noordin 990006747 Mohamad Ayad 993069353 Porya Rajabi 992464962 April 2 2007 2 Contents 1 Overview 3 1 1 Objective 3 1 2 Goals 3 1 3 System Overview 3 2 Outcome 6 2 1 Results 6 2 2 Future Work and Improvement 7 3 Description of Blocks 7 3 1 Components inside FPGA 7 3 1 1 Microblaze processor 8 3 1 2 OPB bus 8 3 1 3 Microblaze Debug Module 9 3 1 4 OPB External Memory Controller for ZBT EMC 9 3 1 5 Digital Clock Manager DCM 9 3 1 6 Bit Mapped Mode SVGA Display Controller 10 3 1 7 2D Graphics Engine 11 3 1 7 1 Parameters 13 3 1 7 2 Register Specification 13 3 1 7 3 Description of Blocks 14 3 1 7 4 Software API 21 3 1 7 5 Software based Bitmap Mode 23 3 2 Components on Multimedia board 23 3 3 External devices 23 4 Description of Design Tree 23 4 1 Directory Structure and Files 24 4 2 Instructions to synthesize download and run 2D graphics system 25 5 References 26 3 1 Overview 1 1 Objective A graphics system consists of several levels of hardware and software working together to make a computer capable of displaying visual information on a monitor The primary engine behind the graphics system is the graphics controller which consists of the custom hardware processor that performs all necessary mathematical operations required to generate pixel data RGB colour which is then stored in a region of memory called the frame buffer A display controller then reads the frame buffer and converts the RGB data to pixels on screen A software driver is also necessary to stimulate the hardware and provide an API for developers to create graphics applications Modern graphics controllers are usually implemented as ASIC s Application Specific Integrated Circuits primarily due to their high performance requirements especially for intensive 3D applications The goal of our project was to implement a graphics system on an FPGA In particular we designed and implemented the necessary hardware and software components to perform basic 2D operations 1 2 Goals Research components and algorithms to perform basic 2D operations Design Xilinx FPGA based system incorporating 2D engine display controller memory microprocessor Design and implement digital circuits for 2D engine operations Implement software API Develop software application to demonstrate functionality of system Desired operations o Draw pixel o Blit fill a rectangular region on the screen o Draw line o Draw character o Bitmap read raw bitmap information from memory and display on screen 1 3 System Overview Figure 1 illustrates the System Block Diagram for the 2D graphics system We used the Multimedia board based on the Virtex II XC2V2000 FF896 FPGA The components of the system are divided based on their physical location implementation inside the FPGA on the Multimedia board and external to the board The components of our project designed from scratch are shown in green including 2D Graphics Engine hardware block implemented as an OPB slave coded in Verilog 4 Gfx2D API software IP stored on ZBT RAM 1 via EMC controller coded in C Demo application software stored on ZBT RAM 1 via EMC controller coded in C The components shown in red were part of an IP core that was imported and implemented based on the Bit Mapped Mode SVGA example provided by Xilinx This module provides an interface to write pixel data to a ZBT RAM and then transmits the contents of ZBT RAM 2 frame buffer to the VGA DAC The system works by first issuing a command by software using the Gfx2D API A call to an appropriate C function in the API will issue a command to the 2D Graphics Engine via a register write on the OPB bus Note that prior to this step the OPB bus is used to read the instruction in the user s program code from ZBT RAM 1 The graphics engine then processes the command and generates pixel data based on the desired function For example a command to draw a green line from 0 0 to 100 200 will cause the graphics engine to determine all pixels necessary to draw the appropriate line with an RGB value representing green The pixel data is written to ZBT RAM 2 via the ZBT interface shown and stored to the area of memory that represents the contents of what is being displayed to the screen The display controller constantly reads the contents of the frame buffer from ZBT RAM 2 and updates the RGB data lines that the SVGA DAC Digital to Analog Converter uses to display pixels on the monitor Each of the components in the system will be further described in Section 3 below 5 Multimedia Board Xilinx Virtex II FPGA MB Debug Module Microblaze Processor OPB Bus ZBT EMC Controller 2D Graphics Engine Bit Mapped Mode SVGA Display Controller ZBT RAM 1 Gfx2D API Demo App Figure 1 System Block Diagram VGA Interface DAC ZBT Interface ZBT RAM 2 Frame buffer 6 2 Outcome 2 1 Results All goals were accomplished successfully The only modification to our initial goals was implementing the bitmap feature in software rather than hardware This decision was made due to the time constraints The hardware version would have required more time to implement due to the extra complexity in implementing a custom ZBT interface to both read and write to the memory and more importantly be able to coordinate writing a large amount of bitmap data The software version was much more straightforward since XPS supports statically linking and loading the user program code including the data variable that stores the bitmap data to a ZBT RAM via the ZBT EMC controller The 2D engine functions correctly All 2D operations were tested and demonstrated successfully and the overall system was able to run from software As described the program was setup to be stored on and read from ZBT RAM 1 which allowed bitmap files to be statically linked and loaded to our program The software API was developed to be capable of running a low level C function corresponding to each of the 4 basic 2D graphics operations implemented in hardware draw pixel blit draw line and draw character These low level C functions issue register writes to the 2D engine in order to pass the function parameters The decoder in the 2D engine reads the op code and triggers the corresponding hardware module Each module stores its resultant pixel data to a FIFO An arbiter at the bottom of the pipeline reads from these FIFO s and writes the pixel data to the frame buffer ZBT RAM 2 We implemented the following low level functions lineOp blitOp charOp pixelOp Draw a line on screen using two points and a colour

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