University of Toronto ECE532 Digital Hardware Module m06 Using ISE Version for EDK 8 2 02i and ISE 8 2 03i as of January 5 2007 Introduction ISE is an integrated environment for developing your cores for the FPGA The main GUI is Project Navigator and a number of other tools can be used in or launched from Project Navigator such as CoreGen HDL Bencher and ModelSim You will probably do the initial development and debugging of your cores using ISE before trying to connect them to a Microblaze in EDK XPS Note that Xilinx tools do not work reliably if paths contain spaces Paths with spaces should be avoided like the plague when deciding where to install Xilinx tools third party tools and where to put your project files For additional information on using ISE please refer to the Xilinx documentation Links to the online documentation are embedded in the PDF version of this document most of the referenced documentation is also installed locally as part of ISE Goals To gain a basic understanding of how to use ISE To develop a simple core using ISE for use on the Xilinx Multimedia board To use CoreGen IP in this design To learn how to initialize memory To use iMPACT to download the design to the board To use the pushbuttons on the Multimedia board Requirements Access to ISE 8 2 03i Preparation The documentation for ISE 8 2i is available online and can be either viewed directly in the browser or downloaded for offline reading The tools delt with in this module fall into the Design Implementation category Take a quick look through the ISE Help documentation in the Design Implementation tools list Skim through the FPGA Design Flow Overview to better understand the various tools and their interactions Skim through the ISE Quick Start Tutorial to get an idea of the additional capabilities of ISE If you are using the Multimedia board read through the section on User Input and Output in the MicroBlaze and Multimedia Development Board User Guide You will be using the pushbuttons User Input dip switches and User LEDs in this lab If you are using the XUPV2P board read through the Using the LEDs and Switches section of the Xilinx University Program Virtex II Pro Development System Hardware Reference Manual You will be using the User Input dip switches and User LEDs in this lab 1 University of Toronto ECE532 Digital Hardware Module m06 Using ISE Steps 1 Open Project Navigator 2 Create a new project in a directory without spaces by selecting File New Project When you specify a Project Name a subdirectory for it will automatically appear in the Project Location box In this document we will call it learn ise The top level module type will be HDL Click Next If you are using the Multimedia board The Device Family should be Virtex2 The Device should be XC2V2000 The Package should be FF896 The Speed Grade should be 4 If you are using the XUPV2P board The Device Family should be Virtex2P The Device should be XC2VP30 The Package should be FF896 The Speed Grade should be 7 The Synthesis Tool should be XST and the Simulator should be ModelSim SE Verilog unless you have ModelSim XE installed instead Click Next Next Next and Finish 3 If you are using the Multimedia board a Unzip the m06 zip file in your project directory to get the files for this module b Select Project Add Copy of Source Select the three Verilog files and the UCF file you just unzipped and add them to the project Leave the default options selected in the dialog that pops up c The mem init coe file was created using Microsoft Excel and the Memory Editor as described in Xilinx Answer Record 11744 Copy it into your learn ise project directory Select Project New Source Select IP CoreGen Architecture Wizard Call it led lookup ip Make sure the Add to Project checkbox is checked Click Next d The Select IP dialog box will pop up Expand Memories Storage Elements RAMs ROMs Select Single Port Block Memory v6 2 Click Next Click Finish e A CoreGen GUI will pop up Enter led lookup ip as the Component Name Select Read Only as the Port Configuration Enter a Width of 2 and a Depth of 1024 for Memory Size This will create a ROM that has 1024 2 bit words Click Next Let CoreGen Optimize for Area in the Primitive Selection panel Leave all other options as their default values Click Next Click Next In the Initial Contents panel check the Load Init File checkbox Click on Load File and browse to and select the COE file that you copied Click Generate You should get the message Successfully generated led lookup ip in the Transcript panel at the bottom of the Project Navigator window Note that you have just initialized a very small block of memory so it did not take very long If you were to initialize something occupying over 50 of the on chip block ram generating the ROM could take upward of 10 minutes f In your project directory you should now have a number of generated files for led lookup ip The MIF file is the Memory Initialization File that can be used in behavioural simulations The V and VHD files are for compiling at simulation time The VEO and VHO files are the instantiation templates for the IP Naturally you could come up with that yourself but copying and pasting from the template saves typing 2 University of Toronto ECE532 Digital Hardware Module m06 Using ISE g Next you will create a DCM for the module The DCM in this module is mostly for demonstration purposes You would really want to use a DCM when you need phase shifting or clock scaling The feedback circuit works to line up or phase shift clock edges as configured in CoreGen and produces a locked signal when the DCM output has settled You should NOT just put a clock through a T flip flop to generate another clock at half the frequency That will cause timing headaches Create a DCM Digital Clock Manager IP in CoreGen by clicking on Project New Source Select IP CoreGen Architecture Wizard Call it led dcm Make sure the Add to Project checkbox is checked Click Next h The Select IP dialog box pops up Expand FPGA Features and Design Clocking Virtex II Pro Virtex II Spartan 3 Choose Single DCM v8 2i Click Next Click Finish The Xilinx Clocking Wizard pops up Enter 27 MHz as the Input Clock Frequency since this is one of the available clock frequencies on the Multimedia board Ensure that RST CLK0 CLKDV and LOCKED are checked on the picture Select 4 as the Divide By Value Click Next The next window is for clock buffers One of the important aspects of the DCM is that all the DCM clock outputs get put through clock
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