UGA ADSC 2010 - Final Exam Study Guide
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ADSC 2010 FINAL EXAM Study Guide Lectures 1 39 YOU NEED TO KNOW ALL OF YOUR NOTES NUMBERS RANKINGS This test is going to be 50 old material and 50 new material Lecture 1 January 8 I What is animal science A Goal to profitably satisfy humans for food clothing emotional well being shelter fuel B Biological Study of livestock Nutrition metabolism Genetics selection Reproduction physiology Growth Development How can we manipulate Production management Business Side End Product food clothing milk etc II Species of Interest A Cattle Bovine Kingdom Animalia Phylum Chordata back bone spinal cord Class Mammalia milk warm blooded hair Order Artrodactyla even toed hoofed animal Back hoof with dewclaws Family Bovidaw ruminants chew cud Genus Bos o Ruminant Quad with horns that come laterally out of head Species o Taurus Continental Europe Cattle o Indicos Africa Asia Cattle o Bison Buffalo B Sheep ovine K P C O F same Genus Ovis Species Aries C Goat caprine K P C O F same Genus Capra Species hirius D Swine porcine K P C O same Family suidae digestive system Genus sus wild European hog monogastric one stomach Species scrofa domesticus hogs today E Horse equine K P C same Order perissodactyl non ruminant odd number of toes Family Equidae Genus Equus Zebras are from this same genus Species Caballus Horse Asinus Donkey F Chicken K P same Class Aves birds with wings feathers Order Galliformes short feet and beak Family Phasinanidae ground dwelling birds Genus gallus Species domesticus III Sex Condition Terminology a Intact Castrated Male Table Intact Male Castrated Male Species Young Mature Young Mature Cattle Bull calf Bull Steer Stag Swine Boar pigs Boar Barrow Stag Sheep Ram Lamb Ram Buck Wether Stag Horse Colt Stud Stallion Gelding Gelding Goat Buck Buck Wether Wether Chicken Cockerel Rooster Cock Capon Capon Time it takes to mature from young to mature Cattle 1 year to 2 years Swine 6 9 months Sheep 1 year Horse 2 years to 3 years Goat 1 year Chicken Chickens testes internal b Female and Meat Product Table Female Meat Product Species Young Mature Young Mature Cattle Heifer Cow Veal Beef Swine Gilt Sow Sheep Ewe Lamb Ewe Horse Filly Mare Goat Doe Doe Chicken Pullet Hen Pork Lamb Mutton Horse Meat Kid Goat Meat Chicken Time it takes to mature from young to mature after they produce a calf Cattle 2 years to 3 years Swine 1 year Sheep 1 year Horse 3 years to 4 years Goat 1 year Lecture 2 January 10 A Beef split into two categories a Fed 20 24mo going to supermarket restaurant chain b Non fed manufacturing beef 3 8years Cows from breeding heard that are not functional anymore have tenderness problems normally fed grass that beef goes into ground beef hamburgers B Freemartin Beef Cattle mixed sexed twins where the female is not reproductive I Human uses of animals and animal products A Food a Carcass Meat II III b Organ Meat liver heart kidney not really consumed in U S c Eggs d Milk B Power NOT U S a 50 of other peoples power comes from animals C Clothing a Examples Leather Wool D Manure a Fertilizer MAINLY CHICKEN b Energy c Buildings E By Products a Pharmaceuticals b Animal feeds c Fat F Research Models a Examples o baby pigs infant nutrition digestion system o Removal of genes in pigs to produce a stroke to learn how to fix it G Pleasure emotional well being o Primarily in developed countries o U S 59 million dogs 75 million cats 9 million horses World Populations in Humans o 2050 9 10 billion people on earth World Populations in Livestock A Chickens 20 7 billion hd o 1 consumer Hong Kong o 2 consumer U S Metric Tons Countries Amount of Livestock 11 6 million 1 china 5 2 Billion 17 1 million 2 U S 2 1 Billion U S is the most efficient producer in chickens GO USA B Cattle 1 4 Billion hd o 1 consumer Argentina o 3 consumer U S Metric Tons Countries Amount of Livestock 9 million 1 Brazil 213 million 1 1 million 2 India 211 million 12 million 3 U S 93 million U S is the most efficient producers of cattle GO UGA C Sheep 1 1 Billion hd o 1 consumer Australia o U S Other Metric tons Countries 2 1 1 China million Amount of Livestock 139 million D Swine 967 Million hd o 1 consumer Denmark o 17 consumer U S Metric Tons Countries Amount of livestock 50 5 1 China million 465 million 10 3 2 U S million 66 million U S produces more pork per animal than china U S is the most efficient producer of pork GO U S A E Dairy Cattle 265 Million hd o 1 consumer Finland o 16 consumer U S Metric Tons Countries 57 million 1 India Amount of Livestock 44 million 32 million 2 Brazil 23 million 89 million 4 U S 9 million U S dairy cattle are the best example of pushing an animal to its maximum productivity F Horses 58 4 million hd o 1 consumer Italy Metric Tons Countries Amount of Livestock 28k 1 U S 10 2 million 161k 2 China 6 8 million Lecture 3 January 13 I Global Food Supply A Cereal Grains wheat corn 50 calories 45 proteins B Animal Products 16 calories 37 proteins Have more proteins for humans II Importance of Animal Protein in Human Diets A Biological value Meat has a high biological value Amino acids make up matches human requirements Digesting muscle to make muscle comes from amino acids B Essential Amino Acids All essential amino acids are present in the correct proportions Essential amino acids have to be present in your body for you to live C B Vitamins Animal Products are excellent sources of b vitamins and the only natural source of vitamin b12 III Available Food Supplies RDA calories Male 2 700 Female 2 000 RDA protein Male 56 Female 44 Developed Developing World Food Supply 132 96 107 IV V All Protein 99 57 g person Animal Protein 54 12 g person Undernourishment Quantity Malnutrition Quality Animal Product Consumption A Developing Countries 3 calories 10 protein B Developed Countries 30 calories 60 protein Facts Agriculture in Developed vs Developing Countries Major difference money mechanization About 20 of the world s tractors in U S In 2005 2 of U S population fed 98 One farmer fed 94 U S and 34 World Citizens 128 people A Developing Countries Use animals for work B Percent of Disposable Income Spent on Food a Americans 11 b Developing Countries 30 60 Reasons for Inadequate Food Supplies 1 Lack of Knowledge 2 Population Concentration a Asia 50 people 22 agriculture production b N America 6 people 27 agriculture production 3 Lack of Wealth a Mechanization b Fertilizer 4 Government Policies Support or lack thereof Government used to control people 5 Environmental Challenges a Lack of arable land b Lack of

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UGA ADSC 2010 - Final Exam Study Guide

Type: Study Guide
Pages: 99
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