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ADSC 2010 Lecture 39 Outline of Last Lecture I A Day in the Life of a Horse Farmer A 7 30 Feed Horses a Myth 1 b Horse Quirks c Myth 2 B 8 30 Water Horses Outline of Current Lecture I 9 00 Turn Out Horses II 9 30 Clean Stalls III 11 30 Farrier Visit IV 1 30 Vet Visit Routine V 2 30 Vet Visit Non Routine VI 3 30 Fix Fences VII 5 30 Feed Again VIII 6 30 Ride Horses IX 7 8 p m Current Lecture I 9 00 Turn Out Horses Stalls pony prison Turnout is extremely important o Exercise intense exercise Musculoskeletal health o Mental o Nutrition grazing movement higher gut motility II 9 30 Clean Stalls Cleanliness is important to horse health o Ammonia build up is harmful to the eyes and lungs o Manure build up is harmful to hooves III IV Thrush frog digestion by bacteria Aesthetics 11 30 Farrier Visit Blacksmith Every 4 12 weeks No hoof no horse keep good hoof quality or it ll be painful and hard to work horse Shoes all horses do not need shoes 1 30 Vet Visit Routine Coggins Test for EIA like HIV o Yearly no treatment vaccine Vaccinations o Twice yearly Can vaccinate yourself Strangles Horse Horse Respiratory West Nile Encephalitis Eastern and Western Transmitted by Mosquitos Influenza Respiratory Herpes Virus Rhinopneumonitis Respiratory Pregnant Horses 5 7 9 month vacc Neurological form o Yearly Rabies and Tetanus bacteria in soil Internal Parasite control o Ascarids roundworms Tapeworms Large Small Strongyles Bots Pinwoms Anthelmintic Pasture Manure Management Deworm every 3 months Rotate Chemicals Ivermectin and then Ivermectin with Proziquantil Now targeted Deworming Dentals o Yearly o Float Teeth V 2 30 Vet Visit Non Routine Colic o Belly Pain o Rolling sweating looking kicking at abdomen elevated vital signs Lameness o Arthritis o Navicular tendon rubs against Navicular bone cut nerve o Abscess VI Injury 3 30 Fix Fences Maint Of facilities is important o Safety for horses and humans o No sharp objects nothing left in field etc VII VIII IX Proper fencing is key 5 30 Feed Again Space feedings out GRAIN 75 body weight Feed at Regular Intervals 6 30 Ride Horses Exercise forced Fun 7 8 p m Go Home hopefully

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UGA ADSC 2010 - Finishing up The Daily Life of a Horse Owner

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Pages: 4
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