WSU BIOLOGY 107 - Prokaryotic Metabolism

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BOLOGY 107 Lecture 34 Outline of Last Lecture I Bacteria and Archaea a Genetic transfer in bacteria b Antibiotic resistance Rapid adaptation Outline of Current Lecture II Bacteria and Archaea a Why is resistance spreading b Prokaryotic metabolism c Archaea d Roles of bacteria III Viruses Current Lecture Bacteria and Archaea 1 Why is resistance spreading a Overuse and incorrect use of antibiotics i Clinical agricultural household b Antibiotics select for resistant bacteria i Resistant cells can pass their resistance to other bacteria via conjugation or transformation 2 Prokaryotic Metabolism a Divided by energy source i Phototrophs energy from light ii Chemotrophs energy from chemicals b Divided by carbon source i Autotrophs don t need a carbon source ii Heterotrophs need an organic carbon source 1 Expressed in combos of the two divisions chemoautotrops c Oxygen metabolism i Obligate aerobes require oxygen ii Obligate anaerobes poisoned by oxygen iii Facilitative aerobes can live in either environment d Nitrogen fixation i Conversion of N2 to NH3 These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute 1 Used in amino acid synthesis and DNA ii Nitrogen fixing bacteria can make nitrogen available for plants 1 Allows them to grow in low nitrogen soils e Metabolic cooperation i Colonies help each other 1 Some cells can specialize 2 Channels allow an exchange of materials 3 Chemical signals are released for communication and recruitment ii Can cooperate with other organisms 1 Humans and the bacteria in the gut 3 Archaea a First discovered in extreme environments i Dubbed extremeopiles ii Excellent at adapting b They are prokaryotes with similar characteristics to both eukaryotes and bacteria c Divisions i Halophiles very high salt environments ii Thermophiles very high temperature environments iii Methanogens produce methane 4 Roles of bacteria a Decomposers i Break dead organisms make nutrients available b Pathogens i Cause half of human diseases 1 Most symptoms caused by bacterial toxins a Exotoxins proteins secreted by live bacteria b Endotoxins release of toxins from dead bacteria c Research and technology i Molecular biology manipulate DNA ii Pharmaceuticals produce drugs iii Bioremediation remove pollutants iv Polymer synthesis create natural plastics Viruses 5 Obligate intercellular parasites a Consist of DNA or RNA genome and protein coat b Large diversity of structure and genetic material c Cannot replicate on their own

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WSU BIOLOGY 107 - Prokaryotic Metabolism

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