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Notebook Week 9 Post lab Name Lily Hewitt Date 03 29 2022 Lab Section 11 PRE LAB from previous assignment 1 Title Plaque Assay 2 Purpose Objective To figure out if I found phage from my soil enrichment 3 Materials Set of micropipettes micropipette tips the phage lysate CaCl2 stock tube L agar plate red cap tube with 5ml M foliorum red cap tube with 4 5 ml top agar 4 Procedure Add at least 50 ul of your phage lysate to the red cap tube with M foliorum and allow to incubate for at least 10 minutes Then add CaCl2 to a tube with Top Agar Next pour the top agar with CaCl2 into the phage lysate mixture and mix well Then I will pour the whole mixture onto the L Agar plate and let solidify to sit in the 30 degrees Celsius incubator for at least 24 hours DURING LAB EXPERIMENTS Bring prompts to lab and take notes on this section during lab 5 Changes to Procedure IF ANY 6 Future Directions Decision Tree We did a streak plate using someone else s plaque REFLECTIONS Reflection about learning can be on any topic 7 Describe your most significant learning experience so far this week In your writing include specifically a What you learned and b a description of the experience that helped you learn it I finally learned how to do a streak plate so I learned how delicate you have to be and how easy it is too this helps because maybe I will be able to streak if I found phage 8 For the learning experience you described in Question 8 please answer the following two questions a what emotions did you have and b how did they impact your learning before the event during the event after the event I am kind of over this lab right now because it has been weeks and I still haven t found phage despite doing 5 trials It would be funny if I found phage from my 6th try but I don t expect it However the upside is that I ve mastered this lab because I have had to re do it so many times therefore I feel like a I have a good amount of experience to apply to future labs 9 As you think about the learning experience in Question 8 please answer the following questions a what worked b what didn t and c what will you do in future learning to use what you learned from this experience Once again since I have had to try this lab over and over again I don t know what is not working for me at this point It could be the dirt or some error I m making but I m not sure In the future I will just take in account how labs don t work half of the time and require you to re do them POST LABORATORY Can start during that week s lab and complete the following week or two 10 Results I did not find phage from my 5th soil sample 11 Discussion I did another soil enrichment and a streak test for next weeks post lab

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WSU BIOLOGY 107 - Notebook Week 9 - Post-lab

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