BOLOGY 107 Lecture 33 Outline of Last Lecture I Bacteria and Archaea a Two of the three domains of life b Cell features c Cell organization d Prokaryotic cell division Rapid adaptation Outline of Current Lecture II Bacteria and Archaea a Genetic transfer in bacteria b Antibiotic resistance Current Lecture Bacteria and Archaea 1 Genetic transfer in bacteria a Exchange portions of genome b Allows for genetic recombination c Three types i Transduction 1 Virus mediated DNA transfer 2 No direct contact between cells needed 3 Once a virus infects a cell it reproduces its own DNA as it breaks the host cell s DNA Some of the host DNA can be packaged in the virus then be injected into another host cell ii Conjugation 1 Transfer from one cell to another 2 Requires a sex pilus specialized fimbria 3 A cell must contain the F factor a DNA coding for conjugation b If on plasmid the cell is F c If in genome it is and Hfr cell high frequency of recombination 4 F factor cell serves as donor 5 F conjugation a Sex pilus forms b One strand of the plasmid is transferred to the recipient These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute i Rolling circle replication to reproduce plasmid in donor and send one strand to the recipient c DNA is replicated and circularized in the recipient i Recipient cell is now F 6 Hfr conjugation a Process happens the same until the rolling circle replication b Amount of DNA transferred is time dependant i Timed process used to map genome of E coli in minutes rather than Morgans c Some transferred DNA is incorporated some is degraded d The recipient cell is never made F 7 Transformation a Bacteria pick up DNA from the environment b One cell dies another scavenges the DNA pieces c Usually uses phagocytosis to break the DNA for its own replication d Sometimes incorporated into genome e Can be cross species i Japanese have bacteria in their gut to break down kelp from DNA out of dead aquatic bacteria 2 Antibiotic resistance a Antibiotics produced by fungi and some bacteria i Can be chemically synthesized b Kills bacteria by disrupting the cell wall gene expression or other targets c Mutations including gene transfer can allow bacteria to i Reduce drug uptake ii Transport the drug out of the cell iii Inactivate the drug by metabolizing it or modifying it iv Alter or amplify the target
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