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The Psychoanalytic Approach Defense Mechanism Ego s protective method to deal with unacceptable impulses and anxiety Denial protecting ourselves from an unpleasant reality by refusing it Displacement redirection of an impulse away from the person who prompts it and towards a safe substitute Reaction Formation Projection projecting one s unacceptable thoughts or impulses onto others Projective tests ambiguous visual stimuli presented to client who responds with whatever comes to mind Rorschach Inkblot test 10 inkblots as ambiguous stimuli Thematic Appreciation test 20 pictures of people in ambiguous situations Freud s Theory of Personality Development 5 main psychosexual stages each emphasizes an erogenous zone must resolve conflict between zones and society Oral stage first year of life The erogenous zone is the mouth the primary conflict are weaning and teething Anal stage one to three years Involves development of the ego Primary conflict is toilet training Phallic stage three to six years Involves development of the superego as a result of the Oedipus complex Oedipus Complex a boy s sexual desires toward his mother and feelings of jealousy and hatred for the rival father Electra Complex female version of the Oedipus Complex Castration anxiety Penis envy Latent Stage six to puberty Genital stage at puberty sexual feelings repressed same sex play social skills developed Sexual feelings resurfaced and are consciously expressed appropraitely Problems arise Fixation stuck in a stage due to inadequate completion of an earlier stage Regression during time of stress we regress to incomplete stages Anal retentive personality Anal expulsive personality Trait Theories of Personality Trait a consistent enduring way of thinking feeling or behavior Gordon Allport developed a method to organize traits according to their influence The Trait Theory Approach Cardinal traits Central traits Secondary Traits Raymond Cattell using factor analysis outlined a distinct set if source traits which form the core of everyone s personality The Five Factor Model Costa and McCrea Openness creativity Conscientiousness organization Extraversion sociability Agreeableness likeability Neuroticism stability Chapter 8 Child Development Development pattern of changes in human capacities across the lifespan Nature vs Nurture is genetics or environment more important for development Continuous vs Discontinuous is development marked by gradual or distinct changes Stability vs Change do we remain the same or change during development Reflex unlearned automatic response to a particular stimulus Rooting reflex touching the cheek Sucking reflex object placed in mouth Moro reflex startled by noise loss of support Palmer grasp reflex touching of the palm Babinski reflex stoking sole of foot TonicNeck reflex turned to head to the side Physical Development Salutatory Growth growth in spurts rather than continuous in nature Motor Development Cephalacudal trend top to bottom Proximodistal trend center outward Cognitive Development Jean Piaget s 1896 1980 Cognitive Approach Schema a concept of framework that organizes and interprets information Adaptation Assimilation interpreting one s new experience in terms of one s existing Schemas Accommodation changing one s current understandings schemas to incorporate New information Psychological Disorders Classifying Abnormal Behavior Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders Now in its 4th edition DSM IV TR Multi axil System Axis II and I All major diagnostic categories Axis III General medical conditions of relevance Axis IV Psychological and environmental problems Axis V Current level of functioning Anxiety Disorders General Anxiety Disorders Panic Disorder Tornado if Anxiety Phobic Disorders Animals Natural endowment Blood Medical Injury Situational Social Phobias Intense fear of being humiliated or embarrassed in social situations Obsessive Compulsive Disorder an anxiety disorder in which the symptoms of anxiety are triggered by intrusive repetitive thoughts and urges to perform certain ritualistic actions Post Traumatic Stress Disorder anxiety symptoms that develop through exposure to a traumatic event Three core symptoms 1 Frequent recall of the event flashbacks that are intrusive 2 Avoidance of related stimuli and suffer from issues with emotions 3 Increased physical arousal Mood Disorders Major depression significant and persistent feelings of despondency worthlessness and hopelessness which causes major impairments in the individuals emotional cognitive and behavioral functioning Dysthymic Disorder chronic low grade feelings of depression that produces subjective discomfort but do not seriously impair their function Bipolar Disorder a mood disorder involving period of incapacitating depression alternating with periods of extreme euphoria and excitement Schizophrenia Split mind split with reality Not multiple identity personality disorder Severe psychological disorder characterized by distortions of Thought delusions Perception hallucinations Communication world salad Emotions blunt or inappropriate responses Social skills impulsive versus withdrawn Positive versus negative symptoms Types of Schizophrenia Disorganized characterized by confused behavior and disorganized delusions and hallucinations among other features Catatonic Type characterized by bizarre movements postures or grimaces Paranoid type characterized by the appearance of thematic delusional thinking accompanied by frequent auditory hallucinations The Genain Sisters quadruplets with Schizophrenia

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PSU PSYCH 100 - The Psychoanalytic Approach

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