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Psych 100 1H Focus Questions Chapter 4 pg 93 115 Class 7 9 11 2013 1 Describe Pavlov s discovery of classical conditioning and give an example of a conditioned stimulus conditioned response unconditioned stimulus and unconditioned response How does classical conditioning create new learning a Classical conditioning training a reflex in an animal to occur b Conditioned stimulus bell sound c Conditioned response salivation d Unconditioned stimulus food placed in mouth e Unconditioned response salivation f New learning responses to stimuli all day long 2 Differentiate between extinction and spontaneous recovery and generalization and discrimination How is generalization subjective a Extinction without stimulus response stopped b Spontaneous recovery but not completely unconditioned renew c Generalization show conditioned response to new stimuli that d Discrimination if one stimuli is reinforced and the other is conditioned reflex resembled stimulus extinguished e Subjectivity stimuli similar in meaning to humans Interpretation of statements 3 How did Pavlov s S S theory of classical conditioning compare to Watson s S R theory How can we use the expectancy theory of classical conditioning to explain the difference between conditioned and unconditioned responses a Stimulus Stimulus SS conditioning produces bond between the conditioned stimulus and mental representation of the unconditioned stimulus then produce response b Stimulus Response SR conditioning produces direct bond between conditioned stimulus and response c Expectancy theory conditioned response is oftend different from unconditioned response d Conditioned must precede unconditioned stimulus immediately Must signal probability of occurrence of unconditioned Conditioning ineffective when animal already has a good predictor 4 Describe Watson s classic fear conditioning study with little Albert and what we can learn from it Give at least one other example of a conditioned response a Watson baby play with rat make loud sound baby afraid of rat and other furry objects b Conditioned response fear after being presented with rat 5 Explain Thorndike s instrumental learning puzzle box procedure and how this led to his law of effect a Thorndike put cats in box trial error flip switch to open b Law of effect Responses that produce a satisfying effect in a particular situation become more likely to occur again in that situation 6 What is operant conditioning Describe Skinner s method for studying operant condition including the ideas of shaping and a schedule of reinforcement How does reinforcement differ from punishment a Operant conditioning nonreflexive behaviors could be altered through learning b Skinner created a box allowing animals to receive food at press of a lever reinforcers to use lever shaping to get animals to do action Schedule of reinforcement fixed ratio variable ratio fixed interval variable interval c Reinforcement increases likelihood that response will occur Positive food money praise or negative shock loud noises static try to get away from it d Punishment decreases likelihood that response will recur Positive arrival of a stimulus scolding or shock decreases response and Negative removal of stimulus taking food away or money from a person decreases response

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