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Psych 100 Unit Exam 3 Prof LeBreton Study Guide 3 Your exam will have 50 MC questions and covers chapters 10 11 12 and 13 Be familiar with some of the body systems that control body fat and weight gain Motives to Eat Set Point genetically influenced weight range that you will stay in when not trying to gain or lose weight Varies about 10 in either direction set point of 150 pounds could weigh 135 165 Basal Metabolism rate at which body burns calories fixed number of fat cells Debate psychological factors contribute to hunger or eating behavior and physical changes can alter out set point Hormones also influence set point Heritability of set point is 4 to 7 in twin studies Controlling our eating Brain is 1 organ in determining hunger these hormones chemicals communicate with the hypothalamus Leptin a hormone that decreases appetite Insulin a hormone that lowers glucose and stores energy as fat Glucose sugar that cells require for energy Ghrelin hunger arousing hormone emitted by an empty stomach Obesity Epidemic BMI Body Mass Index measure of weight relative to height More than 50 of American Adults and 25 of children are overweight or obese according to the BMI chart BMI not always a good measure of healthy Speculative causes of obesity epidemic 1 Abundance of fast food cheap unhealthy food 2 National Portion Size 3 Soda 4 Non food food items McD s chicken nuggets hot dogs twinkies any ingredients that you cant pronounce 5 Many many other factors Evolution determines that we gain weight when food is abundant but does not have a comparable measure for losing weight Culture can determine when what and how much to eat Culture determines what is an ideal body Distinguish between Anorexia and Bulimia Anorexia Nervosa Underweight by 10 15 of lowest healthy BMI Psych 100 Unit Exam 3 Prof LeBreton Usually achieved by a severe restriction in diet and excessive exercise Distorted body perception Usually begins in adolescence Almost always female 1 4 of females ages 12 40 will have anorexia The DEADLIEST mental illness on the planet Bulimia Nervosa Maintain a normal body weight Binging thousands of calories consumed in one sitting and purging of food Purging consists of self induced vomiting laxatives and or excessive exercise History of weight problems issues in the past Feeling out of control with binging May hoard food and or hoard their vomit Distinguish between passionate and companionate love Motives to love Passionate Love vs Compassionate Love Passionate love lasts about 2 years Biological similarities between romantic love and mother infant bond Same neurotransmitters and hormones are activated in the mom baby bond and in the Same areas of the brain are activated when mom looks at pictures of baby and when adult love bond adult lovers look at pictures of eachother Review Maslow s hierarchy of needs Understand the attachment styles discussed in class Attachment theory Secure rarely jealous don t fear abandonement Psych 100 Unit Exam 3 Prof LeBreton Anxious Ambivalent agitated worried about abandonement Avoidant distrusting avoid closeness Your attachment to your primary caregivers will govern your attachment in adult love relationships Who is Alfred Kinsey and what type of research did he conduct Alfred Kinsey 1950s pioneering work on human sexuality survey research People were engaging in behaviors that most thought were taboo bad Women are sexual too Helped men and women to better understand eachother Be familiar with Master s and Johnson s sexual response cycle and gender differences within the cycle Masters and Johnson 1960s sexual laboratories Mapped out the physiology of sex and orgasm Asserted that female and male sexuality is equal May have a problem with their sample of research subjects Sexual Response Cycle 1 Excitement 2 Plateau 3 Orgasm 4 Resolution Refreactory period for males only Gender differences in sexuality Women are capable of multiple orgasms Men engage in more fantasy and masturbation than women even when such behavior is prohibited Men s sexual desire is more often linked to aggressive dominant behavior in the brain Women s sexual desire is more often linked to nurturing behavior in the brain Be familiar with current research into the causes of homosexuality Sexual Orientation Biological links are inconclusive Prenatal hormone exposure Differences in hypothalamus drive center Sexual orientation is moderately heritable men What about the range of sexual orientation Hetero bi homo What about experimenting in homosexual behavior but not identifying as gay Homosexuality is NOT caused by A smothering mother or father absent Psych 100 Unit Exam 3 Prof LeBreton Same sex sexual child play quite common Lack of proper role models Homosexuality documented in more than 450 other species besides humans ex Dolphins penguins many primates Understand the primary emotions Primary Emotions facial expressions are universal for these 1 Happiness 2 Surprise 3 Anger 4 Fear 5 Disgust contempt bitterness hate 6 Sadness Primary Emotions Continued Babies Facial Expressions These emotional expressions are hard wired because they exist across cultures and are present at a very early age Be familiar with the correlates of happiness Happiness is a mood an attitude a social phenomenon a cognitive filter a way to stay hopeful motivated and connected to others The feel good do good phenomenon when in a good mood we do more for others The reverse is also true doing good feels good Happiness has its ups and downs Levels of happiness as well as other emotions can vary over the course of a week we like the weekend and even over the course of a day don t stay awake too long How far are you up a 10 step ladder toward the best possible life The answers worldwide People in Chad and Tanzania are not feeling successful Be familiar with the adaptation level phenomenon Adaptation Level Phenomenon When we step into the sunshine it seems very bright at first Then our senses adapt and we develop a new normal If a cloud covers the sun it may seem dark in comparison The very bright sensation is temporary The adaptation level phenomenon when our wealth or other life conditions improve we are happier compared to our past condition However then we adapt form a new normal level and most people must get another boost to feel the same satisfaction Distinguish between Type A and Type B personality styles Type A Personality competitive impatient easily angered sense of time urgency high standards ambitious none of

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PSU PSYCH 100 - Unit Exam 3

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