TELE Exam 4 Notes 04 04 13 Global Flow of Visual Culture Powerpoint continued Concept 2 Mass Globalization Indigenous media o Definition Media created to reaffirm ethnic and local values over the homogenizing forces of national or global media o Example Inuit Broadcasting corporation o Super Hero Super Shamou Diasporic Media o Ex Bend it Like Beckham watched Trailer in class About an Indian girl living in the US who want to play Football soccer but her family espically her mother doesn t improve National media o Definition National Media are focused on creating a visual language that is unique to the culture of that nation o Example1 Bollywood the film industry based in Mumbai India o Historically National now Diasporic Syncretic o Genre Musicals o In Class assignment Compare and Contrast changing notions of romance and gender 1969 1998 Watched two clips of Bollywood songs from these two time periods Classic Bollywood films are all musicals Clip 1 o Man talks about a women of his dream o He wonders when he will meet her o Man driving a car beside a train that a maybe the woman is on o Girl is looking out the train window into the distance or maybe looking for the man of her dreams Clip 2 o Girl is wearing a lot less clothing o Girl is dancing o More up beat song o Example 2 Welcome to Nollywood Different way that media is made Media is made by everyone from the ground up which becomes a national film In class viewings of The Adventures of TinTin o Recently made into a movie o Examples of TinTin Adventures comics cartoon TinTin and the shooting star TinTin in the Congo o Very detailed drawings o Watched the introduction to the film Transition from the original drawings to the newer animation of Sets up the movie extremely well TinTin holds up a drawing of himself and asks What do you the movie think He is asking his dog Snow what he thinks But he is also asking the audience what they think of the change from comics to the big screen International Shows Films Things to know from the clips The name of the show General information of the show Info about the clips we watched Mancora Film Trailer From Peru Sundance Festival 2008 selection About a guy leaving his home town going to Mancora o He wants to escape his life Made at a beach called Mancora About 2 siblings who haven t seen each other in a really long time and go to the beach together to escape their lives Peloteros Film about playing soccer Watched in intro sequence the first scene of the movie It was in Spanish w o subtitles In Peru Sunday is a day to go out and play soccer Clips from Oman Arabic Cultural Clips Clip about Middle eastern parents o Comedic clip of a guy playing crazy Middle Eastern parent Clip Nancy Ajram Music Video o Girl singing and putting weird things into a pot to cook Fun Fact Having a unibrow in the Middle east for men is totally acceptable Osuofla in London Trailer IBAKA TV Movie from Nigeria Movie about a guy who lives in a village and is told he inherited a lot of money but he has to go to London to claim it He finds his brother is married to an attractive lady and he marries her too Nigerian movies have really advanced Dr Bello Nigerian Movie Nollywood Hollywood Movie Trailer A movie about mixing American medicine with Nigeria healing o Doctors and Healers Drama A lot of Nigerian movies are transnational Captain Vidal Dies Pan s Labyrinth Clip from a Mexican film Genre Fairytale or dark fantasy Really different there is a child protagonist who dies Has a good resolution in the end but it is not a happy ending Batman type justice the bad guy dies but no one is really happy in the end Undergound film clip Won an award in the Cannes Festival Film is about 2 men that are living through conflicts in the aftermath of a civil war Made in 1995 Seems a little strange from an American standpoint o There is a random money in the clip o A girl is flying around o A building blows up o Lots of banquet dinning and brass instruments Very good cinematography
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