Biology 107 Plagiarism Worksheet Due Week of Lab 6 2021 Answer the questions on pages 2 and 3 and turn in this assignment to your TA to receive points on your Lab Report First Draft Recognizing Plagiarism The following section illustrates common forms of plagiarism and models an acceptable way of paraphrasing The Original Source Some environmental extremists bewail the use of genetic modification that allows crops to be herbicide resistant or others that allow plants to produce their own insecticide Among other charges they suggest that herbicide resistance might be passed to wild relatives of the crops and that insecticide producing plants will decimate insect life and decrease biodiversity Norman Borlaug We Need Biotech to Feed the World Wall Street Journal December 6 2000 Forms of Plagiarism Examples 1 Using author s language without quotation marks noticeable words or phrases Norman Borlaug 2000 says that environmentalists bewail using GM crops that resist herbicides or insects Insect life will be decimated and biodiversity decreased they claim and the genes might be passed to the crops wild relatives Borlaug 2000 2 Using author s structure substituting synonyms for words Some antibiotech activists are unhappy about transgenes that provide herbicide resistance or plant made insecticide Borlaug 2000 The activists says Borlaug claim resistance can transfer to plants related to GM crops and that those that make insecticides might wipe out insects and diminish biodiversity 3 Using author s ideas without clear attribution e g citing only at end of paragraph Genetically modified crops trouble some environmentalists Those that are resistant to herbicides might transfer that capacity to their weedy relatives Those that make insecticides might destroy insects indiscriminately reducing the gene pool in populations or even eliminating species Borlaug 2000 4 Mentioning author s name but not citing Norman Borlaug writes that some people believe GM crops can harm the environment by transferring herbicide resistance to weeds or destroying non target insects Acceptable Paraphrase Not Plagiarized Borlaug 2000 writes that environmentalists bewail using genetic engineering to produce crops that are not harmed by herbicides or that make compounds toxic to insects He says that these extremists claim such crops can transfer their genes to weeds or decimate insect life and decrease biodiversity Due in Week of Lab 6 2021 1 Biology 107 Plagiarism Worksheet Due Week of Lab 6 2021 The following are examples of student plagiarism Note that you will be turning in this section Failure to include this component with the first submission of the Introduction and References will result in zero points for the assignment Instructions For the following examples a underline identical words or phrases b indicate the type of plagiarism that is being illustrated and c provide your own alternative acceptable paraphrasing 1 From student s paper 2001 From source A stem cell is a cell that has the ability to divide for infinite periods of time Stem Cells A stem cell is a cell that has the ability to divide self replicate for indefinite periods b The student only change few self replication to ability to divide c A stem cell is a cell capable of dividing for limitless periods of time 2 From student s paper stem cells are able to develop into mature cells that have the same characteristics shapes and specialized functions like heart cells nerve cells or skin cells Stem Cells 2001 From source stem cells have the potential to develop into mature cells that have characteristic shapes and specialized functions such as heart cells skin cells or nerve cells b paraphrasing c Stem cells such as heart cells skin cells or nerve cells have the ability to grow into adult cells that have distinctive shapes and special functions 3 From student s paper Stem cells can be found in the bone marrow of the breastbone skull hips ribs and spine but there is only about one stem cell in 100 000 blood cells Information Guide 2000 From source In the bone marrow there is approximately 1 stem cell in every 100 000 blood cells The bone marrow in the breast bone skull hips ribs and spine contains the stem cells Used their own words Due in Week of Lab 6 2021 2 Approximately 1 stem cell in every 100 000 blood cells is in the bone marrow Stem cells contain the bone marrow in the breast bone skull hips ribs and spine Biology 107 Plagiarism Worksheet Due Week of Lab 6 2021 4 From student s paper Aphaeresis is a procedure when a patient is attached to a machine in both arms via a catheter blood is taken from one arm ran through the machine to separate the blood from the stem cells and then the blood is returned to the other arm Stem Cells 2001 From source the source was cited incorrectly the actual source was Information Guide The patient is connected to a cell separation machine via a needle in each arm Blood is taken from one arm circulated through the machine to remove the stem cells and the remaining blood cells are returned to the patient through the other arm This look like the student took the authors words words per words The patient is connected via a needle in each arm to a cell separation system To extract the stem cells blood is drawn from one arm pumped through the system and the remaining blood cells are returned through the other arm to the patient 5 From student s paper From source This procedure could take several sessions with each session lasting up to six hours to harvest enough stem cells for transplantation Several sessions of up to six hours are required to harvest through apheresis enough stem cells for transplantation Direct words from the article and changed few words With each session lasting up to six hours this procedure could take multiple sessions to extract enough stem cells for transplantation Due in Week of Lab 6 2021 3 Biology 107 Plagiarism Worksheet Due Week of Lab 6 2021 Before you turn in this assignment you should be able to check off the following items yes The Report Draft Introduction includes at least three 3 relevant journal articles yes The journal articles are peer reviewed and have been cited properly within the text and in the reference section yes I did not I have not used any references from sites such as Wikipedia or dictionary com yes I have carefully read the avoiding plagiarism section page 3 in the report draft assignment yes I have completed the plagiarism problem set and understand that failure to
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