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Biology 107 Spring 2021 Lab Week 2 Discussion Week of Jan 25 Topics Central Dogma of Molecular Biology Bacteria and Bacteriophage 1 A What molecular traits make DNA a good molecule for both the storage of information in living organisms and the transmission of information between generations of cells because each nucleotide withing a DNA strand can give a cell different information and there are many nucleotides in every cell Good for storage and have two strings of the same information and if one is bad the other have same information B Why are proteins not a useful means of storing heritable information They don t survive long and they don t last very long C Some genes are non coding meaning they don t encode proteins but they are still transcribed into RNA Why are these still called genes and what might those RNAs be doing They still transcribe Regulate gene expression 2 A Describe the features or attributes that make an organism living Reproduce have movement growth respiration nutrition sensitivity excretion B Using what you have learned so far this semester would you consider bacteria to be living yes C Using what you have learned so far this semester would you consider viruses and in particular bacteriophage to be living Yes because they are able to reproduce A guest on a popular science radio show makes the argument that living and non living things are opposites of one another To what extent is this an incorrect correct comparison based on what you have learned this semester Why 3 A pinworm is a parasite that infects humans and lives and grows within our digestive tract A In the pinworm human interaction which organism is the host and which is the parasite Human B What does the host provide to the parasite Food and shelter C How is the human pinworm example related to bacteriophage and bacteria Describe the similarities and differences Bacteriophages and bacteria and they can reproduce Prosocial 1 Spring 21 Some medical professionals have suggested that highly infected populations in rural areas can wash their hands during the day to reduce the instances of pinworm reinfection How would the effectiveness of this practice vary based on when they washed their hands when they wake up after working in the fields before eating Get ride of bacteria faster by washing your hands constant Prosocial 1 Spring 21

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