UGA ADSC 2010 - Aritficial Insemination and Embryo Transfer
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ADSC 2010 Lecture 29 Outline of Last Lecture I Estrus Synchronization A Benefits B Disadvantages C Methods a Cows b Ewes c Sows d Mares II Artificial Insemination A Benefits Outline of Current Lecture I Artificial Insemination A Time for Breeding a Cow b Ewe c Sow d Mare II Embryo Transfer A Benefits B Limitations C Process III Pregnancy Detection A Cow B Ewe C Sow D Mare Current Lecture I Artificial Insemination A Time for Breeding a Cow II III Breed 12 hours after standing estrus AM PM RULE Detect in am breed in pm vise versa b Ewe Breed 12 hours after standing estrus c Sow If checked one time breed when detected and 24 hours later If checked twice breed 12 hours after detection and 12 hours later d Mare Breed every other day beginning the second day of estrus Embryo Transfer A Benefits Increases production from superior females Allows greater number of offspring from a particular mating B Limitations Cost Management requirements Requires AI and estrus synchronization C Process Superovulate genetically superior female DONOR FSH and GnRH AI to generally superior male Collect embryos FLUSHING before attachment and evaluate for viability Store viable embryos Synchronize the RECIPIENT female Implant embryos into RECIP and allow RECIP to raise the offspring Cows normally produce 7 10 calves over their lifetime 150 000 ova in cow s ovary can be brought out through superovulation Pregnancy Detection A Cow Rectal palpation around 35 40 days gives 95 accuracy Ultrasound diagnosis can be done earlier Black circle blastocyst forming B Ewe No simple early detection method C Sow Ultrasound diagnosis at 30 80 Days gives about 90 95 accuracy D Mare Rectal palpation at 30 45 Days Ultrasound diagnosis can be done earlier Immunological testing for PMSG from day 40 120

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UGA ADSC 2010 - Aritficial Insemination and Embryo Transfer

Type: Lecture Note
Pages: 3
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