WSU BIOLOGY 107 - Calvin Cycle and Cellular Respiration

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BOLOGY 107 Lecture 15 Outline of Last Lecture I Light Reactions a Linear electron flow b Geometry of the reaction c ATP production II Calvin Cycle a Phases Outline of Current Lecture III Alternatives to the Calvin Cycle a C3 plants b C4 plants c Arid conditions IV Cellular Respiration a Productive cycles Current Lecture Alternatives to the Calvin Cycle 1 C3 plants a Rubisco initially fixes CO2 into a 3 C sugar in the Calvin Cycle i Rice wheat soybeans 2 C4 plants a CO2 is initially fixed into a 4 C sugar in the mesophyll cells called oxaloacetate b 4 C sugar passed to bundle sheath cells where CO2 is passed to RuBP to enter Calvin Cycle i Sugarcane corn grass 3 Arid conditions a Stomata stay closed during the day to save water i O2 builds up and CO2 is depleted b Goes through photorespiration i Rubisco uses O2 instead of CO2 1 Produces CO2 2 Uses ATP produces no sugar produces ammonia 3 Sends ammonia to mitochondria and peroxisomes to convert it to CO 2 and water These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute c CAM plants i Temporal separation of C fixation from Calvin Cycle 1 Open stomata during cool nights to fix CO2 with minimal water loss Cellular Respiration d Why do we breathe if O2 is extremely cytotoxic i It is the ultimate electron acceptor the reduction is highly exergonic 4 Productive cycles a Glycolysis sugar splitting i Ten enzyme mediated steps 1 Kinase an enzyme type that adds phosphates 2 Isomerase an enzyme type that creates isomers 3 Dehydrogenase an enzyme type that removes hydrogen ii All intermediates are phosphorylated iii Invest 2 ATP 1 Add phosphate to glucose 2 Change it to fructose 3 Add phosphate to fructose 4 Fructose splits to 2 G3Ps iv Total yield 2 pyruvate 2 ATP 2 NADPH and 2 H

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WSU BIOLOGY 107 - Calvin Cycle and Cellular Respiration

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