WSU BIOLOGY 107 - Plasma Membrane

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BOLOGY 107 Lecture 10 Outline of Last Lecture I Organelles a Bulk Transport b Plasma Membrane Outline of Current Lecture II Plasma Membrane a Permeability b Diffusion c Transport d Endocytosis e Intercellular junctions Current Lecture Plasma Membrane 1 Permeability a Selectively permeable i Small non polar or uncharged molecules pass easy ii Large hydrophilic molecules do not 2 Diffusion a Random movement of molecules from high concentration to low concentration until equilibrium is reached b Osmosis i Water specific diffusion ii Based on molecule concentrations in water with a selective membrane c Tonicity i Ability of surrounding solution to gain or lose water 1 Hypotonic less solute in cell surroundings gain water 2 Isotonic same concentration in cell and surroundings no net flow 3 Hypertonic more solutes in cell surrounding lose water ii Cell conditions 1 Animal a Hypertonic shriveled isotonic normal hypotonic burst 2 Plant a Hypertonic plasmolyzed isotonic flaccid hypotonic turgid normal These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute 3 Transport a Passive diffusion no energy used b Facilitated passive through a protein no energy used c Active against the gradient needs ATP 4 Endocytosis a Phagocytosis i Extends parts of membrane pseudopodia to engulf particle ii Creates a food vacuole b Pinocytosis i Invagination when in nutrient rich area ii Creates vacuole with same contents around the cell iii Non specific c Receptor mediated cytosis i Binding of receptors to send signal to create vesicle ii Form protein coated vesicle iii Can be hijacked by viruses used in negative feedback 5 Intercellular junctions a Tight links cells with a fluid tight barrier b Desmosomes structural attachment linking intercellular matrix c Gap junctions connection allowing flow animal cells only d Plasmodesmata connection allowing flow plant cells only

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WSU BIOLOGY 107 - Plasma Membrane

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